Colonel Town Recreation Dept
16 High
Lancaster, NH 03584
Coos County
Phone: (603) 788-3321
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Erin F. on
Everyone knows Starr restaurants are mostly a ripoff. Expensive, smallish portions of mediocre food, and you're mostly paying for the ambiance, right? I know this. But still, I got roped into going to Continental for a staff lunch the other day and it was just OK. I ordered the Green Submarine, which is basically a veggie sandwich (avocado, sprouts, bibb lettuce, cheese spread, and I ordered mine without sundried tomatoes) on a toasted grainy roll, with fries, which were the best part of the meal. I could have easily put this sandwich together at home and made it slightly more flavorful and twice the size for less than what I paid. It is absolutely nothing special here. Also, I like how they ask at the host stand whether or not you're okay with sitting in the hanging basket chairs upstairs before they seat you. Never a good sign.
by Esther S. on
Came here a few weeks ago with a friend for her roommates birthday party.  We got there a bit before the main party and they made us wait in line with everyone else even though we had a table- ugh.  It was cold too. Inside it looked nicer than when it was Boss- liked the set up better- I tend to like places that aren't huge so you get a cozier feeling which is what they had. Drinks were good and strong.  People there were a good mix.  Music was the usual hip hop mix which was ok for that night.  Nothing special though. Overall had a good time with my friend and made some new friends as well.  Would probably only come back if a friend was having something there.
by Dulce Masar on
Good music selections, nice view of Hollywood, places to lounge and sit (esp for girls cause heels are a killer!) A Plus: Parking was $2 with validation. Now where in Hollywood can you find parking that cheap?
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