by Dave H. on Great venue. This place is big enough to host a band with an impressive following, while being small enough to nearly emulate the intimacy you'd get a place like Bottom of the Hill. It's a venue that makes you fell like you're going to a "show" rather than a "concert", if that makes sense. Great sound here.
by The T. on If I was 20 years old and in college, I would give this more stars. I guess I sort of grew up and don't enjoy the club scene as much. The one time I have been at this place the crowd was very young and international. (meaning I couldn't meet anybody who lived in the city or the States permanently). One thing I enjoyed at this club was the big screen that showed old episodes of Seinfeld. The drinks were very cheap!
by Evia Tetterton on OMG: 6 beers (well three bottled beers, one draft, and two Wyders ciders) = $13.50. $13.50 for what would probably cost $42 or more anywhere else. Plus, darts. With free pretzels and peanuts. Jukebox that lets me control the music. I think I've spent more on the jukebox than drinks every time I've gone. Minus one star just because they only serve beer. No wine either, but at least they a few different ciders to satisfy my girly, beer-evading tastebuds. Very happy I found this place --- even happier that it's within walking distance.
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