503 Van Houten Avenue
Passaic, NJ 07055
Passaic County
Phone: (973) 473-3127
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by Alice A. on I went opening night last week, and it was too crowded. It's just the same sh*t, different venue. Decor was not impressive. Drugged out topless chicks wrestling above you in a net was pretty cool, but having them laying against the net with nipple hanging out through the squares was rather odd. Do not wait if you don't get in right away. Tonight was my second visit and I waited 40 minutes outside before leaving. I was unfortunately separated from my friends who were inside already and knew JP, John Paul (the promoter on Thursday night). In my 40 minutes, I have learned a lot and will share it all with you now. 1. If you don't know the promoter directly, don't try getting in. There is no point. JP was very rude to not only myself, but the girls next to me who had the same story. 2. Whoever you talk to will say "I'm not in charge tonight, you have to talk to ...... ", when in fact, they can let you in. JP used that line also, in addition to the other guys at the door. 3. I overheard tons of chicks saying, "lets talk to that guy" and then #2 happened. Don't be those girls. 4. Smart people wait only 5 minutes before going to Bar Lubitsch or Winstons to have a drink. It really is all the same. It's not worth the wait to not get in. 5. I saw guys trying to use the "my friends have a table" line. They did not get in. You won't get in unless you go in with your group. I can't reiterate that enough. 6. Celebrities get in, you must become a celebrity to get into this place. 7. Don't be those girls who are outside plotting how to get in, or even just standing there. It is not cute. 8. Don't bring guys ever. Not even 1. It lessens your chance of getting in as a girl by 100%. 9. Do not wait outside of a club 10. Do not wait outside of a club 11. Do not wait outside of a club I would have given this place no stars, but it just wasn't an option.
by Kandy Hardimon on I hate this place. HATE IT. Reasons why - 1. The art sucks 2. The bathrooms are always packed 3. The drinks are expensive 4. And most importantly, they over charged my card. Yes, some how the $24 dollar charge turned into $52 when I checked my bank statement. All that being said - Soul Night is there every first Friday of the month and that night makes it worth putting up with Lo Fi's crap. Just remember to bring cash!
by dan c. on the starlight room was the 2nd stop on an all night bender we had in san francisco on my friends 23rd birthday. the staff was super-friendly, especially considering the group was four 20something kids that weren't particularly dressed up, and the view was nice though it was pretty foggy out. we only went in for a single cocktail - we knew it was going to be pricey and this was only a pit stop to prepare us for things to come. our death in the afternoons (champagne + absinthe) were only a few bucks more than the gin + tonic i got at the clift hotel later that night and they packed a serious punch.