Coppahaunk Tavern
101 South County Drive
Waverly, VA 23890
Sussex County
Phone: (804) 834-8237
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Hours: unknown
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by Jasmine Zener on
I give this place a 3.5-I am not a clubbing person. I was diagnosed with the inability to dance and to bop to the rhythm. I was also diagnosed with bad vision and didn't get a chance to get contacts. I think some white guy made a comment at my glasses. Was he making fun of me? Who knows, haha. Heck, I'm not even a late night go out person. But would I come here again if I wanted to club (a rarity)? Yea, for sure cause the interior was awesome and the music was alright. The people there were alright too. If you're a girl, you'll probably only get white guys and other guys other than Asian guys talking or wanting to dance with you. Asian guys are just too scared, for real. My friends and I got there at around 11:30. Didn't take too long to get in, and we didn't have to pay, since we mentioned a promoter. The only guy in our party had to pay, sadly. Definitely was not worth it for him, hehe. I actually like the seating that are on the dance floor. Cause my heels were killing me, so I just whipped out my flats and stashed the heels underneath the seating. Plus, if you don't want to dance, just sit by your friends who are dancing. It does get really crowded though, and it was hard for me to join my circle of friends just because we were in a tight spot. If you go with a good crowd and get liquored up, you will have fun. As for me, it wasn't that great, but I would come here again if I came with people who I'm more familiar with and can't dance just like me. That way, you won't be singled out as the only one with no rhythm!
by Trevor A. on
When:  Friday, 12/3 Overall:  the experience was enjoyable. Mostly female crowd looking for dancing & drinking.  It's not really my scene--but that being does everything a Hollywood dance club should do. Drinks:   standard bar drinks for Hollywood, $12/each. Crowd:   70% female.  75% Caucasian.  Upbeat crowd, no one too uptight, mostly girls just wanting to drink, dance, & have a good time.  Seemed like mostly locals.  About 1/2 of the girls I met were Russian, I'm not sure if this is normal for the club or just a coincidence? Music:   loud, you can feel the bass, good for dancing. Aside from the smoking area (narrow alley between two buildings), not really a place for talking.  Mostly hip hop chart toppers, with a few cross over electronic hits (ex. J.U.S.T.I.C.E. "we are your friends") Decor:  standard for a Hollywood club--looks good enough in the dark. Door Men:   seemed fine, got there around 11, was on some promoter's list so didn't get hassled.  The line wasn't that bad, maybe 10 - 15 people--all of which I saw in the club later. Bartenders:   very polite and attentive. They acknowledged your presence when they were busy with another order.  You didn't have to stand their aimlessly trying to flag them down. Parking:   there was a valet in front, and many pay lots in the area.
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