by Eddie L. on My sister, Lori, was in town from SoCal, and after taking her to a few spots 'down the shore', on Weds we opted for a Philly change of pace. Mi compadre, Toot, rode over to the Lazy L on his 95 Hog and then I drove us down to Penns Landing. We paid the $12 to park and then strolled the waterfront of the mighty Delaware before opting for lunch aboard the Moshulu. The Moshulu is a fine sailing vessel indeed, built in the 1890s and featuring 4 masts. A fine lady with a storied past. Seized by the Germans in WW I and the Americans in WW II, she also appeared in The Godfather when young Vito was sailing into NY Harbor. She's a 4 Diamond restaurant now and is docked so that you have a nice view of the Delaware from many of her wide windows. The waitress put my napkin in my lap and I knew right there we were on a classy ship. Our service was first rate and our waitress even mentioned a 20% AAA discount, something I always forget to inquire about. There is a tropical feel to the decor, with padded wicker chairs and palms and ferns placed throughout her ultra wide cabins. This is a BIG ship and one can fantasize that you are on the banks of an African river rather than the Del. with a little imagination. Africa was one of her destinations when she was making transatlantic voyages. I had a Tequila Sunrise, Lori a Bloody Mary and Toot a Sam Adams Oktoberfest and we all enjoyed our cocktails, Lori's and mine served in a tall cocktail glass and Toot's in a beer glass. No plastic here. Ordering from a somewhat limited lunch menu, I had a tasty Bacon Cheeseburger, Toot a Grilled chicken Club Sandwich, and Lori the Fillet Mignon Medallions. All were excellent. We had some nice bread before our meals and were all way too stuffed to consider dessert. After we ate we went up on deck and further explored her charms. Beautiful wood work was in evidence everywhere you looked, and an examination of her rigging and masts indicated that she appeared to be seaworthy now. I'd love to see her masts full of sails and take her for a cruise! The Star Of India out in San Diego went out to sea not too long ago, I wonder if they ll ever do that with The Moshulu? Seems like it would be great publicity to do so. The top deck features a separate bar called The Bongo but that is closed for the season. We all thoroughly enjoyed our meals and our time aboard The Moshulu and will definitely be going back. I've posted several pics of her to give you an idea of her grandeur!
by Stephanie Q. on Firstly, I went in through a connection, so I didn't have to pay cover. I got there at 11:15pm but had to stand forever outside. They were supposed to open at 11pm but refused to open! Standing outside in high heels just made me tired before I even started dancing! Anyways, went inside and got a drink. Drinks are $14 and pretty lousy- the bartender diluted my drink with water. The place is nice. It has 2 floors. Downstairs is big, and played techno music. Since I went a week after Spain won the world cup, there were a bunch of crazy people standing on the couches, wrapping themselves with the Spanish flag, and jumping up and down on the couches for everyone to see. Pretty hilarious! Downstairs was mostly techno music. Upstairs on the second floor, it was more of hip hop, r and b music. It was fun. The funny thing I realized was that this place had no dance floor. NO DANCE FLOOR! You pretty much dance between the tables, along the corridors... I had a lot of fun though! I have no idea how much a table is, you pay a ton to get a bottle of grey goose and they give you pitchers of cranberry juice, orange juice etc. I left at 2am and there was a long line of people waiting to get in, so if you go, I'd say go at 11pm when they open, then around midnight, it gets super packed. That way you get to go in, instead of stand outside and wait forever. Would you want to pay a cover of $20-$40 only to party for 2 hours? No, so go early.
by Roy Valseca on This place is very cool. I really enjoyed Stats when I went there but this place is different and better. If you are looking for a nice place to go hang out with the fellows, the girls, or take a date this is a place for all of that plus some.