by Ivy V. on TEMPLE!!! What a odd name for a night club. Who are we worshipping?? What kind of temple is this where the worshippers are dress up like MTV Real World rejects. Woman with short dress, some of them panties less dancing the nite away. Men with their uber large sunglasses and black polo shirt with their unbend cap, trying to look gangsta or macho drinking the most wimply ass drinks. Only the coolest person in the world, was able to be cool with the uncool. That person is me!!!! Lol. Yes, I went to the Temple. The Man of the Hour, Between Sweet and Sour, signed himself on the guest list. Trust me, there are hundreds of other wimpy reviews of this place, but mine is the best that beats the rest. Hell it's the one worthy of the test. I'm better stop now, before I forget what I am reviewing. Before you come, may very sure you sign up on their Guest List on ONLINE, it will help you, so you don't end up paying nearly 20 bucks to get in. Once you do that, if you come to the nite club before 11 it will be 5 bucks, if you come after 11, it's going to be 20 bucks or more. The wait outside is around 15 to 30 minutes. Once you enter the place, you have three stages (floors) of music. Reminds me of that Bruce Lee's movie about the Temple with three different levels and three different styles of fighting. It's like that, but music. If you go down to the dirty ass basement, you will find Hip Hop, Rap, and R&B hits being played. There is a break dancing area. Old School hits mostly plays. The second floor is mostly the current Top Fourty's. The third floor looks something like a bank- white everything. It's mostly plays techno. Over all: The Temple is a pretty tight ass place. There is a 3-1 ratio between men and women. There is a very good vibe here and the bartenders, bouncers, and staff don't have that much attitude.
by Jerold Gilles on I agree with Michelle and Gina. The place is badass. These cats just need to get a house night on a Friday or Saturday and stay open till 4am. WE CAN'T ROCK THE PARTY WHEN YOU CLOSE AT 2 ! :)
by Jenna C. on First of all I just want to say: This place will always be the big cheesey. It doesn't matter how many coats of paint or how many drapes you hang from the walls. Anywho... I went here on my birthday because my only friend is gay and he wanted to check it. They recently took on one of Avalon's gay nights so I knew it was going to at least be interesting. The place was packed leaving nowhere for me to go but up. The view from the balcony was pretty nice and I spent a majority of my night up there watching the gays gay and the hags hag. I also got hit on by one of the cage dancers that I thought was gay which was really awk at the end of the night when he legit asked for my number and I ran away into the arms of my S.O. The music was less oomph oomph than Avalon and more songs I knew and could dance too. Hmmm that's probably what led to me jumping up on to some sort of stage and dancing with some gorgeous men towards the end of the night. I didn't have an awful time but that could have been the 472 drinks I had. PS- I should probably mention that this review is only for Sunday gay nights.