Country Music Bar
1822 10th Avenue Southwest
Hickory, NC 28602
Catawba County
Phone: (828) 322-2471
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Hours: unknown
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by Nikolai C. on
As a former Zoo Atlanta employee (I worked in the field of herpetology), I have different insight as to what I expect from a zoo or aquarium. While I understand the need to keep things simple for most of the masses I would imagine if they were polled they would like to get much more information than the typical third grade level graphics provided. I would really have liked more information on each species. I will commend them for deciding to move their sea lions out to another facility with more space but I definitely am against allowing visitors from the general public to "swim" with whale sharks. Gimmicks to attract support have never held well with zoo/aquarium employees and I can guarantee that they do not agree with this campaign. Being the largest aquarium does not equate to being the best. I'm more interested in what I can learn and experience rather than the big "wow" factor. I enjoyed the much smaller Birch Aquarium and learned much more there than I have at the Georgia Aquarium. Overall it's over-priced and underwhelming but what's good for the masses is what seems to take role. If you really want to see the one of the best if not the best aquarium in the U.S. just travel 90 minutes north to Chattanooga and go to the Tennessee Aquarium. Informative, engaging, and exciting. That place focused on what people wanted to see, the life living in their ponds, rivers, and lakes within the region. Whale sharks just don't belong in an aquarium and the deaths of the two of their males is evidence that there seems to be an issue with space limitations and overall care but we know the charismatic mega-vertabrates seem to be what the public enjoys. As for the overall experience, it seems reflective of the management in regards to how the employees interact with the public. When I was an employee at the zoo, I enjoyed taking time to discuss the exhibits and animals in them, they seem bothered unless it's during a "scheduled" time to speak. The concessions staff support the common knowledge that the overall hospitality in Atlanta is horrific and most of all unprofessional. This is more of a human resources and management problem in terms of choosing employees and training them appropriately. The security team is also rude to most of the people entering the facility even when you greet them politely. Choose a new job if you don't enjoy the current one. In final, rent a car and drive 90 minutes to Chattanooga. You will see more landscape and an aquarium that values its visitors. Go the local neighborhoods and check out a small art gallery. See the history that does exist here and hopefully will grow with time. As for the aquarium, go if you get severely discounted or free tickets and stick to MARTA to get there.
by Myles Viernes on
we parked a block or so away by some tranny hookers that were out for the night.  my sister, who hadn't been in the area for a while was both nostalgic and fascinated.  i love that kid. vertigo was pretty crowded by the time we got in.  it was bigger than i thought it would be with a side smoking room and dancefloor.  we met up with some people who told me a number of times they'd been there since 8pm.  they were very fun.  the music was good (spinfamous) so we danced for hours.  i discovered that my sister makes faces when she's dancing so when she's having a good time, everyone knows it.  sometimes i wonder how she turned out so pleasant. p.s.  i have just been informed that i too make faces when i dance.  you learn something new every day.
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