Craftsman Club
312 Philfre Court
Nashville, TN 37217
Davidson County
Phone: (615) 366-1548
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Michael G. on
Now that it was rated the best in Philly in 2009, they totally have an attitude problem.  3 bitchy hostesses at the front equals a pretentious evening from the get-go. Don't be fooled by the full dinner option for the table.  The food was excellent, but there were 5 of us and they clearly didn't customize the order for 5 ppl.  In other words, we paid $42 a head for dinner, but nothing differentiated our serving sizes for 5 ppl from a party that would have been 4 or 3 ppl.   Told the manager, and he clearly recognized this mistake and made up for it with extra tapas. However, if we hadn't said anything, they would have been walking away with some extra cash, huh. Wouldn't necessarily recommend this place to everyone.
by Valentin Dethomasis on
SOB's is a great place. Lots of dancing, good drinks, and great people. However, the cover is steep ($20) but if you call or email them 4 days before they will put you on the list and you don't have to pay. DEFINITELY worth doing!
by lulu r. on
1984: It's CROWDED, it smells bad, the crowd is lame, the music sucks ass, people are rude, it's crowded, and it's kinda dirty. Did i mention it's crowded? ....And that it smells? Your stuff will get lost or stepped on or spilled with beer, unless you pay the overpriced coat check fee, in which case your stuff will get stolen anyway (see review below re: stolen ipod). If you want to dance to the same Bon Jovi/Cyndi Lauper/"Baby got Back" vomit-inducing playlist EVERY Thursday night, come to this place.
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