3950 Jonesboro Road
Forest Park, GA 30297
Clayton County
Phone: (404) 608-8009
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by badger on haven't been to a club in a long time.this was a very very enjoyable experience!!!the latin girls are REALLY nice!!!!! the private rm was mind blowing.
by James L. on -5 stars UPS' slogan is "What can Brown do for you?". Well based upon the hell I've gone through with UPS over the past week, their REAL slogan should be, "How can Brown Screw you". I ordered a laptop from Best Buy on 1/22/10 that was supposed to be delievered on 1/29/10. This was a simple e-commerce transaction which UPS should have been able to fulfill with little effort since they are a self-proclaimed "Shipping, Freight, logistics, and Supply Chain Management" leader. So imagine my surprise when I returned to my residence on the evening of 1/29/10 and did not see any UPS notices taped to my door of attempted delivery. When I logged onto the UPS site to check my tracking number, it indicated that my package had been delievered and SIGNED a little after 9am, which was impossible since I was at my office 40 miles away in Washington, DC. Certainly, I am not the first (or sadly the last) person who has had shipping mishaps with UPS. If this unfortunate event should happen to you, here are some helpful tips I compiled over the past week to bring your case to a faster resolution, as opposed to "trusting" UPS' internal investigation process: 1). If UPS loses, misdelivers, or otherwise cannot account for a package, open a claim with the entity that shipped your package immediately. UPS will claim ZERO responsibility for any lost items and will require that you call your shipper to open what is known as a "tracer" on your package to research its whereabouts. 1a). Call UPS and request they send a PDF scan of the signature capture from the tablet the drivers carry with them. This will later prove to be the most damning piece of evidence of UPS' negligence. 2). In the event where UPS claims you signed for something and this is not the case, the key thing to do is ESTABLISH A TIMELINE OF YOUR PHYSICAL PRESENCE. If you used public transit, contact your county or state's transportation office and ask if they audit SmartTrip or other public transportation fare cards. If you have registered your public transist card, they should be able to provide this info to you. If the building you work at has access card readers or video cameras, ask if your the facilities or physical security unit can provide a log of when you badged in and out of your building; even better if they are willing to speak with UPS to vouch for your whereabouts. Related to this, if you can find co-workers or other people who can establish your whereabouts get their contact info for a police report. 3). File a police report. This goes a long way to showing UPS you are serious about retrieving your package and will be necessary for the shipper or credit card company if your package ultimately cannot be located. 4). Once you have established your timeline of physical presence, filed a police report, and gotten witness who can support your timeline make copies of all this evidence and go directly to the UPS or customer service center and ask to speak with the UPS Security Manager. Each shipping facility has a security manager to investigate missing packages, so don't waste your time speaking with the counter folks and go straight to THIS PERSON. No matter how difficult, calmly and logically present your evidence, including the signature capture. Once the security manager is provided visual evidence that the signature capture does not match any of your government issued ID's (driver's license, passport, etc), and that you have done your homework in establishing a timeline, and filed a police report, your case will get attention. After 5 days of consuming the resources of the Loudoun County Sheriff's department, the Loudoun County's Transportation office, my company's physical security division, and countless hours of my time on the phone with Best Buy and UPS, my package was discovered to have been mis-delievered to one of my neighbors. In the instance that UPS magically locates a lost package, before you take possession and sign (effectively releasing them from any liability) CAREFULLY inspect the package. The UPS Security manager tried to tell me that "his" inspection revealed that my laptop hadn't been tampered with and that I should be happy they retrieved it and sign off. I usually don't use cuss in my reviews, but this was a bunch of BULL FUCKING SHIT! The tape on the box was clearly crimped where it had been re-taped and there were pieces of fiber and hair underneath the edge of the tape. I refused shipment and am in the process of having my account credited back. It's one thing for UPS to cover up their incompetence, but totally another to insult my intelligence. I keep a Yo-Yo above my desk as a reminder of a basic truism in life. In this world [Y]ou're [O]n [Y]our [O]wn. The moral of this little tale is, if UPS should screw you over, you're going to have to be presistent to resolve the matter. If this information can help just one person in the rateclubs community, then I've done my job.
by Roberto Gural on I was told 2 things about Suede 1. It's one of those places you should go to at least once (Vincent K.) 2. If you wanted to go to a sauna, you should just go to one. Suede is like a sweaty armpit (non-Ratecluber.) So whats my take on Suede? I reluctantly came here on Valentine's Day. I would have preferred a quiet night at home, but we do that almost everyday. His boys were back from Davis for the weekend and wanted him to go out..so who am I to say he can't kick it with the boys? We headed over to Suede around 10:30, found parking shortly after 11. I made my phone calls and worked my magic. The line was down the block..wayyyy down the block. I'm so glad we didn't have to wait out in the cold. Inside the club was pretty nice. One bar when you walk in, another bar in the main room, and a third upstairs. I thought the upstairs bar was the nicest of the three even though it was pretty cramped. Upstairs has a bunch of VIP sections for bottle service, blah blah blah. The guy to girl ratio was like 50:1. Fob to ABC ratio was 50:1. We felt like everyone around us was off the boat. Ugh. I got my foot stepped on SO many times by so many random ass people who didn't bother to apologize. If I happen to step on anyone's foot, I always apologize right away. I'm positive Suede was at capacity, there was no room to dance! Once Chris and I would start getting into a good groove someone would walk past, with their 50986456 friends that they came with, and get all up in our way. RUDEEEE. There was one group of girls that completely invaded our space...give me a break, there was 6 of us, 7 if we were all together, and we didn't even stay in a group, just around each other. Anyways, this one group of maybe 8 or 9 yappy ass annoying chicks comes and pushes us out the way, one steps on my foot. I was fed up and pushed them back while walking by, and I heard them go WHOA. Yeah, bitch. I pushed you. Around 1am, our buzz was gone and we decided to leave..pho time at Broadway! The verdict? 1. Yes, Suede is one of those places you should go to at least once. 2. Sauna indeed. OH! And some guy was so drunk he fell on his ass at the corner. Suckaaaa