Creamery Restaurant
46 Hill Street
Danville, VT 05828
Caledonia County
Phone: (802) 684-3616
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Hours: unknown
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by Joy D. on
It's very sobering during the weekdays and overcrowded on weekends, but usually promising for a good time with friends. I use to go here very often when I lived near Woodside. On weekdays the customers can be very sparse watching games on the plasma at the bar. When I went on a low key day it was mostly a few white guys between their late 20s and early 40s chilling with a few beers. I have to say this place is usually packed with more men regardless of the day. On the weekday there use to be a very sweet and attentive bartender from Ireland. But I think she moved back home. When I went there on weekends, the new bartender looked like a very pretty but very gaunt model with a little bit too much makeup. She looked particularly pissed and defensive most times I was there too. Which could be the overly populated male crowd cramped into the place, lining the walls as well as flooding the bar stools and dance floor. Drinks are priced fairly high imo for a small Queens joint, it's almost about the same as a nightclub in Manhattan. On weekends there use to be huge mixed Asian crowds swarming the place. Mostly Tibetan or of similar ethnicity. The dance floor is usually popping. More white people dancing than the Asians, who usually just hang out and talk with each other. The huge crowd tends to spill out to the sidewalks outside as well. If your a girl you might get a bit too much unnecessary attention from the weekend crowd since it's really a sausage fest. But if you go with friends it can be very fun because of the vibe of the place. If your a guy don't expect to pick up girls there, because you have about 5000 other guys to compete with. But will prob have a great time if you're there to mingle and even just meet new people.
by Milford Bruccoleri on
Great Chili Burgers!! Love em!! I know not the most healthy but  you only live once and you should at least try it once;)
by Ivy K. on
This review is for the Roosevelt Hotel's Sunday pool party only. Do you like pretty and shallow ladies, cheesy posers, and more inflatables on women's chests than in the pool? Well then, the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel's pool is the place to go! Hot crowd, lame guys filled with hot air, and a hot but decent-sized pool. Limited seating and towels, friendly bar service. Everyone I met here who wasn't anyone pretended to be something they're not and anyone who I met who was someone pretended that they weren't. It's a fun place for chatting it up and playing "guess the liar?" (my girlfriends and I met a guy named Charlie who claimed to work for Hyde but admitted to "only having been there once" after being called out on it by someone else... ouch) If you don't take the clientele or yourself too seriously, want to give your brain cells a rest, or/and just have a lazy and vapid afternoon, give this pool party a shot.
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