616 Highway 395 South
Colville, WA 99114
Stevens County
Phone: (509) 684-8544
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by Ariel W. on I think I will write a review particularly for people under 5 ft 5in. because that's who I am and that is the most significant influencer on my experience at this or any club where there's one big floor. Though at GAMH the nice thing is, if you get there early, you can actually sit at a table upstairs with fine sightlines. And the woodwork is beautiful, and the location is great, and the bar serves real drinks, and the sound is awesome. So, if you want to see the band on stage, get there early and deal with the openers. If you don't care that you are looking at people's shoulders and heads and the woodwork on the ceiling while you listen to whatever band you've come for, then get there when you get there and enjoy!
by C P. on First time at Ruby Skye last weekend to see one of my favorite DJ's...Markus Schulz!! I saw him at EDC and his set was alright, but he definitely blew me away at Ruby Skye. Okay, at first, after reading some of the reviews, I wasn't expecting much... But seriously, people...this is not a club to go to if you're not into electronic music. I had probably one of the best nights of my life!!! What made it so amazing?: 1. Parking RIGHT ACROSS the street. Love the dudes who work there. Seriously...they park your car, don't give you weird looks when you're in the car sketchy-ly pre-drinking, and politely open the passenger car door for you after you come out of the club drunk off your ass! You guys rock. 2. There was no line (okay I did get tickets beforehand though). After you get in, you can come out and get back in without any hassle. While waiting for Markus to go on at 12:30pm, boy&I entered and exited numerous times to keep up our nice buzz in the parking garage (not ghetto at all...) 3. The sound system is lovely, although maybe a bit loud. When I exited at the end of the night my ears were muffled. 4. 4 hour set by Markus. Enough said!!! 5. Bouncer was nice, the lady who worked in the restroom was also supernice. People are very friendly (holla to the 2 chicks I had a fun time dancing/going crazy with). No creepers trying to grope your ass=plus. One weird thing is there seriously is no dress code. A lot of people wore jeans/tshirts/etc. I felt so overdressed 6. Drinks were super strong. Granted to a sober person it probably tastes like shit, but to the buzzed-and-I-just-want-something-strong me, it was a pretty good deal. Hahahhaha idk if they were expensive (boy paid) but we only got 1 drink each the entire night and were still buzzed til 4am!! (Refer back to #1 on how to do this lol) One complaint: Okay their AC system is kind of whack. I was in the front most of the time, and their freaking cold air was blowing into my whole body. I am still sore from Friday lmao, and I got a cold =( Overall, still worth it. As a previous ratecluber mentioned...music got progressively more epic. Towards the end I think I was about to have a heart attack from excitement (Symfo, Fly Away, Brainbox, Lost Connection, etc.), and all the drunkasses spilling their stupid drinks have left which is extra plus =D Danced my ass off til 4AM! Highly recommended!
by Domingo Hamstra on It wasn't a complete loss, but the atmosphere, and raunchy entertainment made it worthwhile. I hit up this place during Dine About Town, so we didn't spend the whole amount for its meager dinner and bedside eating allure. First of all, the drinks were somewhat pricey. It kind of shyed me away from ordering any. Just as you've probably read, the reservation system blows! We got there on time, but since people with "reservations" got there earlier, I was unable to get a bed table. So that sucked. I had to eat my cobb salad at a small table. It was quite uncomfortable actually. Stiff chairs, small table, tine portion! After a while though we were able to get a bed table since some people left. The bed tables seem cool, but for me, I was quite uncomfortable still! I'm not used to sitting slouch backed and the like. The food was nothing to rave about at all. Flavorful yes, but he portions were small, and there was about a 30-45min wait between courses! That sucked. Going there on an empty stomach, only to wait forever for your food kind of puts a damper on the evening. The waiters seldomnly came by as well. What was cool though was the mesuse. If you had a bed table, she would give whomever wanted a back massage for 10-15min for about $15. Pretty cool. The naked women swimming being projected on the large wall provided minimal entertainment since it was just a 5 minute clip, looped over and over again. The entertainment was cool for sure though. Drag queen singing, doing stuff, telling jokes, sliding down a long banister! But the finale was a shocker for sure. I won't divulge what it was just in case you decide to go yourself. Overall though, I don't think I'd come back. Eat a little something first as well because you'll be waiting forever. It seems like its more of a place to go with friends, not so much as a one on one thing, or a first date spot, unless you have tons of stuff to talk about.
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