Crossroads Cafe
721 Clinton Avenue West Suite 15
Huntsville, AL 35801
Madison County
Phone: (256) 533-3393
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Ming Sor on
Can anyone say YELLOW FEVER? I'm not opposed to Asian parties, especially the classy Korean variety, but the bouncers here have too much attitude. All the girls got in no problem, but the guys had to get tables totalling $100/pp or wait in infinitum in the line that never ends, on a frigid February night. Once in, the music was Circle's only redeeming quality - the mosh pit and sardine feel along with sharp elbows flying every which way from FOBy girls was not enjoyable in the least. Lastly, in an interesting demographic shift, I heard Mandarin being spoken almost ubiquitously. Chinese are invading Circle. Hmmm...the other white meat?
by Melanie L. on
I love Supperclub although I've only ever been there to dance twice and once to attend a fundraiser.  I haven't eaten there so this isn't a restaurant review.  I'm not an every weekend club go-er so when I do go out, I like to get dressed up and go somewhere stylish and this is a good place for that.  It's way more stylish and sophisticated than a lot of other dance places in the city. I always have fun and they bring in some great dj's and avant guard entertainers.    I also like the variety of people; straight, gay, drag queens... be who you are, as long it's hot! A few things to note your homework and know what night it is.  The vibe and the crowd can change dramatically depending on the dj or the promoter.  If you're more conservative, you probably won't like it here much. There are only a few minor things about it that could be better,  The upper level is a metal grid that completely destroyed my spiked heels.  The bathrooms can also get pretty bad towards late night.
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