by Annie H. on AWESOME venue! Saw Robbie Rivera there and it was off the hook!! very old fashioned, decorative place, I am in love with their wall papers that are here and there. Also check out the hall wall with all tv monitors!
by Gayle Bradbury on They had a bunch of cartoons showing on the wall when I was there. The crowd though was not that great. They seemed slightly pretentious and kind of ignorant. I ended up just mainly sitting there drinking and making a little bit of small talk. There are some brick walls, tables but it didn't really strike me as being anything special or anything...Decent yes very decent.
by Mathew S. on Ella is like that other Duff sister. She really wants to be cool and famous like her sister, Hillary, but she's just kind of busted and untalented. This place exists for a third or fourth tier of folk who aren't cool enough to make it on the lists elsewhere and/or aren't original enough to recognize what a sham it is. Can I give 0 stars??