Curley's Bar And Grill Restaurant
6007 Highway 6
Hitchcock, TX 77563
Galveston County
Phone: (409) 986-9047
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Hours: unknown
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by Tim B. on
I dont think you can really go wrong with choosing to spend a night at brunos! Here's a typical night: - Go before 11 because there is no cover - Get some dranks at the bar. Chill. The girls seem to really like their lychee pineapple martini's ... but they may have taken that off their menu? - Wait until they open up the second room with the real dance floor. - Drink some more. - After being sufficiently wasted and having danced to your heart's content, walk your way over to taqueria cancun and EAT. OOOH or get a bacon wrapped hot dog along the way as a snack ;) optional: - ask the bartender for 4 blowjobs... and then have him ask isn't 2 enough? (after making you yell BLOWJOBS again bec. he "didn't hear" you order the first time) =P - request songs from the dj's - have a pee related incident right around the corner =X ahhh the epic nights at bruno's... make some for yourself!
by calvin c. on
This club was pretty amazing. Came here after Hiro on a friday night around 2. Bouncer asked if we were on a list (me, my gf, and a guy friend). We said no. He asks if we want a table. We look at each other, and are like umm.. At this point we were already kind of wasted and there was only 3 of us. I said no and he said there was probably nothing he could do. Then I just play the out of state I'm from la card, plead a little, and he lets us in lol. The club inside is nice, although one of the best looking crowds i've seen. The guys and girls looked like they were out of a magazine and like 99% white. O yea, and I think we were the only 3 asian kids in there. But we had a blast and I would go back here... if they let us in again...
by Jeffie Zilka on
I have been bowling in NYC only once. (Jersey is always going to have more value-priced bowling, but I digress...) I came to Bowlmor, and I immediately felt it was a "step up" from the "dive" kind of bowling alleys I was used to. It actually projects a more "classy" atmosphere somehow! Yes! That much said, you DO pay a lot to bowl here. However, at least you're not paying an arm and a leg to bowl at a dumpy place. It's also a treat to be in a more cool, "adult"-type atmosphere (no families with kids!). We were three couples who came here, and we ordered pitchers of beer and some appetizers -- all of which were very good! There were video screens projecting all kinds of interesting video, including something that looked like soft porn. The music was good, too! Fun! I will probably go back, but I think I'll try to go on one of the weeknights that offer a more value-priced game!
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