Custom Comedy Capers
4709 Yender Avenue
Lisle, IL 60532
DuPage County
Phone: (630) 357-1149
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
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Hours: unknown
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by Omar M. on
Great on Thursdays, too much of a hassle Fridays/Saturdays
by Jerry W. on
Went here once in the past, didn't like it. Initially thought I might be older than (36 years old) most persons here--as I entered the room, I saw 4 old women dressed in hoochie mama clothing----I was thinking---damn,  dress more appropriately for your age.  Saw several older individuals there.  Music was ok, eh the oz was better when it was open
by Bud Kukielka on
This place is apparently a fantastic restaurant. I wouldn't know; I've only experienced it as a nightclub. I guess when dinner is over they turn this place over, removing all the tables, make it a nightclub. Who knows..the experience begins with your typical, 4 guys manning the door, all with lists, looking much more important than they are. After checking id's and getting past the gestapo, you are asked to pay a $15 cover. Fine. It happens..I wouldn't ordinarily pay a cover to enjoy a Saturday night (on 57th St, no less) , but we were there meeting friends, and didn't really have a choice. The interior of the place is beautiful; I will give it that. It's an old church, that became Le Bar Bat, and recently was redesigned as Providence. It's multi-leveled, and there are various stairways that snake through the place. We head over to the bar and I plunk down my credit card to pay for a round of drinks for 3 of us, which comes to over $30. The bartender informs me that to use a credit card, I need to start a tab, and they have a minimum credit card charge of $75. I am starting to grow annoyed. I can understand if I am trying to pay for a pepsi with a credit card--but a $75 minimum? Give me a break. My boyfriend convinces me that in this overpriced place that is equal to one more round of drinks, so I agree to the tab minimum. But it doesn't stop there--the bartender tells me I have to leave not just my credit card in his care, but my driver's license as well. WHAT? You need to see it, to verify my identity, fine. You need to HOLD it until I close out my tab?? For what? Well the bartender then got very snippy (mind you, it was also about 12:30am and the place was EMPTY) and he told me that it was standard practice to do both these things. I beg to differ. So, this place doesn't have an ATM inside, so if you don't come equipped with cash, be prepared to piss away a lot of dough. Oh, and the scene? Terrible.
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