Cy's Bar & Grill
3863 South Seneca Street
Wichita, KS 67217
Sedgwick County
Phone: (316) 524-5829
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Vanessa r. on
Good decent place that has a ton going for it. Great for large parties. Great patio. Great drinks. And you also get free entertainment.  It is a very festive environment and a great place for a first date. There is enough distraction and entertainment to spice up the most boring date. Food is decent, honest and its tapas so you can pick and chose. With Atlanta just disovering tapas - many of the tapas places with my blessing will be eliminated from Atlanta nightlife. Let' face it most of them are just plain bad and overpriced. I'd say most of the tapas are actually good here - potatoes, calamari, plantains, ribs, stay away from the veal meatballs pretty tasteless, all the tacos good. Let' see endive good, string beans good, seafood stewy thing good, yucca haven't tried. But you get it. - its an all around good time at Loca Luna without being corny.
by Donte Arquelles on
I went to see Camera Obscura - the band that I think befits the classy venue. Cool chandeliers, lush velvet, choice of sitting or standing up depending on your preference. The ladies' room are fitted with neat little make-up nooks. Rule of thumb: Do not sit above the "RESERVED" tables! Some VIPs can be loud and distracting.
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