D C Saloon
1405 Walnut Street
Dallas Center, IA 50063
Dallas County
Phone: (515) 992-9490
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by carol a. on
Went here after my ex-bf's graduation with his family. The place is very trendy. Reminds me a lot of the Dolce Group restaurants (Dolce, Ketchup, Geisha House, etc). I'm not really sure if it is... A lot of the places in Atlantic Station are super trendy, so it was no surprise walking into the restaurant. The standard red, chrome, black color scheme was used. The menu is a fusion of a steak house/sushi place. Again this was before I went veg, so I ordered the Danish Baby Back Ribs and they were good. I mean nothing outstanding, but good. They didn't fall off the bone or anything, but they were flavor-full. I tried some of the boyf's sushi and it was decent. Nothing to rant and rave about, but decent. I forgot my ID, so I couldn't try any of the drinks, but from what I saw it was mostly fusion frou frou drinks (no problem there, they're good drinks). Overall, this place was decent. I would come here again if I were with a big group, or family, but never on my own or on a date. 3 stars.
by Kristeen Laigo on
A little too crowded and sweaty. Lots of guys who like to hit on the girls... BUT the music was lots of fun and the event was a nice variation to your typical night out. Get there EARLY or else you'll have to wait outside in line...for a while.
by Dave W. on
Door44 has a great Wed. night party and great special events. The last special event I went to was the Rock of Love party where they had Daisy. I am a huge Rock of Love Daisy fan, so I had to go to this party. The party was great and I ever got the chance to chat with Daisy :). Several weeks ago I went to their Wed. night party with some people from work and had a great time. Right now, it is my favority boutique bar in midtown with a cool crowd, awesome bar tenders, and really unique interior. Keep a watch out for their upcoming special events. And, if you are there keep an eye out for a really cool and hot red head bartender. To be honest, she is why I always come back!
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