20018 North Rand Road
Palatine, IL 60074
Cook County
Phone: (847) 358-4448
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Rickie T. on
This was deff a cool bar and the layout and space is amazing, a lot of room to sit and dance too and the food Is delicious. Its very asian driven from what I saw but that doesn't bother me one bit ha the drinks are a little pricey but then again it is a Chelsea bar so that's to be expected. I will go here again but for sure drink a little more before I go ha I recommend this bar to all.
by Elden Baughn on
It's OKAY. I'm picky when it comes to a club that I think is worthy of going back to again, spending money on their cover, and their drinks. The decor is ODD there. It's separated into 3 parts, and none of it is cohesive, at least to me. The middle area is white, with poles that look like herpe sores are growing out from them. Then there's a small room that looks ilke a bad porno should take place or where vampires mate. It's covered in maroon/ dark red carpet with comfy couches to match. The biggest room looks like it should be a fancy sports bar. The music was actually good for most of the night and it was fun to watch my friend get drunk and my boyfriend go wild with my camera. The cover is $10 before 11pm, free before 10pm, and $15? after 11. Maybe I would have given this place three stars if I was drunk..maybe...and if I didn't have to stand there for 5 minutes, call my friend, see which guestlist we were on, then finally have them let us girls in for free.
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