Danzers Bar & Lounge
724 Wabash Avenue
Lafayette, IN 47905
Tippecanoe County
Phone: (765) 742-6952
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Rosie W. on
As you can see, people have been raving about their pescado tacos .. and they are correct, it's pretty darn good. I kinda had mixed feelings about eating tacos at a place I've always known as a nightclub. On top of that, the music was loud, there were tons of people at the bar and it was pretty crowded. It was like eating tacos at a nightclub with the lights on. The vibe was good, very positive. If you're looking for a sit down place, then good luck finding a table, but if you're looking for some good hardy tacos, nick's is the place to be! Pescado!!!
by Cara Capinpin on
EWW EWWW EWWW all that i can say is that if I'm looking for real Indian food i will go to Jackson Heights and get it for about 1/4 of what I paid for at Earth. The only things that was great about this place was the decor other than that the food was not so good. I never seen a Indian restaurant that served a caesar salad but i will say the chicken lollipops were good when dipped in the sauce that accompanies it. The marinated lamp just had lots of slapped on sauce which didnt make taste better and for dessert i asked for kheer(rice pudding) even though it wasn't on the menu but most indian places do serve it and the waiter brought me out fruits in a yogurt which is far from what i wanted he could have at least say we don't have that would you like to choose something else but he made the decision for me. Dinner for 2 was about $160 which was prefixed for Valentines. I will never eat here it wasn't satisfying and too many indian people for my liking.
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