Darryl's Bar
413 Willard Avenue
Genoa, NE 68640
Nance County
Phone: (402) 993-7772
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Tiffany L. on
Go here if it's your bday! I just celebrated my bday here on the 16th and it was close to perfect.  I was looking for a place that played good music (throw back to the 90's), was unpretentious and friendly. I had a table and you only need to rack up $50 for the bar tab... which is super easy.  The drinks were strong, the people were nice, the music was legit and everyone had a good time. The only downside was that when I spoke to them early in the week they said anyone there for my bday would get in free before 10:30, but when my friends came before that time, they made them pay.  I think that if they changed that... it would have definitely been a perfect 5.
by Gino Stjames on
I was in Scottsdale for the first time and was excited to try out the restaurant/bar/club scene. After a good dinner at Lupe something or other, and a great after dinner drink at Bungalow, we went to Cream to see what is was all about. Let me start by saying you may want to write my review off as I am already not a fan of Vegas style clubs in very "non-Vegas" style cities, so already the shot for five stars was blown. We get there and it is way too crowded. Drinks were decently priced but I wasn't blown away by the "friendly" bar staff. As I turn around to face my friends, I feel a heavy, drunk arm around my shoulder and hear "so, do you go to ASU?" from a drunk man that was seriously invading my personal space. This is all fine as it is a club and I am just beginning while others may need to be switching to water....so I won't let that spoil my evening, but rather add to the humor. The music was really good, if you could get over the fact that right at the second stanza of every song began, the DJ mixed in something else and so I never got to hear a full song. As my buzz was allowing me to not care about the lame people and crowded room to the point of wanting to dance, a massive wave of vomit smell filled the room and I had to escape immediately. As I sit on the curb and wait with a few friends who also wanted to leave for my other friends who wanted another drink, the people watching got really entertaining. Drunk girls screaming obnoxiously at anyone who glances in their direction and a drunk man sitting on the curb telling all these women that they are whores really sewed up the night. As I tried to stay invisible so I could enjoy myself, the "whore" yeller stumbles over and says, "did you go to college?" yes, "then doesn't it bother you that the people in that club are incredibly stupid". No, I came to get a drink, not judge the IQ of the guy next to me. And I won't be coming back. The reason this palce gets 2 stars is because the people who frequent this establishment made for an amazing night of people watching!
by c e. on
this place is the hottttt shittttt great ATMOSPHERE (literally) Fast & friendly bartenders with heavy hands... Definately will be back!
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