by Alberto N. on The Good knight has been satisfying my large and in charge need for a well made cocktail. Seriously, their sazerac is the best I've had in town :: swoon ::, but this is an east side show room review! The three cocktails I had did not make me swoon. Of the two whose name I remember, the corpse reviver #4 and beso de la muerte, they seemed so appealing on the menu, but in real life they were just sadly disappointing. It was as if no flavor was jumping out and saying hello to my mouth. Maybe they were having a bad night, maybe i just had really high expectations. BUT, will be back to give them another try because of: The awesome interior. It was dark, almost hard to make out the features of the tables around you. I like. The Curried grits and greens. More please. The cheap ass beer special. Some bottle of beer is $2, and when I went it was kronenbourg 1664. The next morning was a little rough. If I can get a few good cocktails next time around then they'll be seeing a few more stars from me.
by Fanny Mcfadin on this place sucks. service is horrible, securities are rude... NOT EVEN THE OWNERS are nice enough to fix the problem at hand. I wouldn't recommend
by Edward L. on I have never not had fun here. Last night was not an expection. The place is always packed, the music, although not hipster, is decent for the crowd, and the crowd is always delicious. Now that the Fuego ladies were gone and had lured Greg V; it was back to Woods and I. We drank more, talked to more women. We went downstairs. I recall this voluptous woman in a terry terquious strapless touching the hem of my garment when we entered. I had bookmarked the incedent under "potential" and proceed to go upstairs with the crew..Sun Tzu says "knowing one's advantage is knowledge" and I knew half the work was finished downstairs. When I got there, the bumping and grinding ensued. Numbers were exchanged and future plans were made. Of course that doesn't always mean much; but it does add up to the fact that Cosmo on a Saturday night is always fun.
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