Dayton Fellowship Club
1124 Germantown Street
Dayton, OH 45408
Montgomery County
Phone: (937) 223-2369
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Natasha R. on
Not much has changed since I last came to 330 Ritch back when I was 20 and armed with a fake ID. Except now, years later I am surrounded by barely legal girls dancing to really awful 90's music. Oh and they charge a $10 cover. Ok, so the girls didn't have to pay, but with so many places in the city I find that cover charges are a ridiculous waste of money. All you bridge and tunnel 21 year olds will surely find yourself here, and please feel free to mingle amongst one another drinking your strawberry daqueries. But for me, this place is going on my list of 'Do NOT Visit,' right under City Nights. Though at least I never wasted 10 minutes of my life there to know better. But hey, you live you learn, right?
by In Vivas on
The truth is that there is no really all A class club in Seattle. With that aside, Ibiza is A-OK nothing more, nothing less. I don't mind paying, however this club is definitely not in the $20 level. The drinks are like any Seattle club, rush crafted, inconsistent at best. Back to reality, this place have a good system, so the music is great, there is a sitting area (couches) which add some value if you can find a place to sit down. As with all Seattle club, male biased and most all disrespectful to the female counterpart and the way to clobber around them shows. LOL Seattle definitely need more class.
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