546 South Decatur Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89107
Clark County
Phone: (702) 870-2522
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by Jennie K. on I would like to think, as a teenager-turned-adult with a concert habit, that I am a bit of a venue connoisseur. Cafe du Nord is a music venue with bordello-red walls, dark wood trim, 70's chandeliers, and Lost Abbey's belgian-style ale ($6) on tap: it's odd, but it works. It's the sort of place you want to see a band - big enough to house several hundred fans, but small enough that you can see well from practically anywhere. Or throw your underwear on stage, if that's your thing. I liked the dark, intimate vibe, and especially the fact that there are several tables and chairs along the walls (get there early and stake 'em out!). All in all, a solid four stars. I like the idea of watching music in a former brothel and speakeasy. Very rock'n'roll, even if I'm not.
by Lucretia Usilton on I can't really review anything except the special chocolate fondue, but it was so good that it deserves it's own standing ovation. Dante's has always piqued my interest. From the outside, it looks like this little house with old street corner lamps surrounded by tall, mirrored skyscrapers (which is exactly what it is). How different, I would think. Then a friend told me about the alligators and pirate ship inside, and I knew that I HAD to get there. Someone in my food group heard about this special chocolate fondue that has to be reserved in advance - we're talking at least a month in advance - so I opted to go that route to see this magical play land of Captain Sparrow. The ambiance was exactly what a pirate pub might look like inside. Wooden floors, walls, chairs, tables - it was like a forest without the leaves. The pirate ship loomed over our table as we listened to Dante give a long speech about his restaurant, the chocolate, and his life in a boxcar. Seriously, Dante gets a hell of a lot of brownie points for being awesome. The chocolate fondue comes with a grocery store's worth of produce. No lie. Two whole pineapples, a million grapes, a billion melons, a plethora of strawberries, piles of marshmallows, and an impressive pot of chocolate sat before us. Now this isn't your average chocolate fondue. It's not even Dante's average fondue that you'd order after a meal. No, this chocolate is stirred by hand for an entire day. This means it's only ever touched with a wooden spoon, stirred to perfection, and only a specific chocolate is used (they don't use the chocolate in their regular orders of fondue, for the record). It was AMAZING. I'm not a chocolate lover, I'm not even a chocolate liker. But this stuff was like ambrosia. Some of us found ourselves plucking leaves off the pineapples to use as spoons - or shovels is probably more accurate - to get as much chocolate in our mouths as we could. Dante's had turned into Willy Wonka's playland, and we were the kids with the golden ticket. I hear the regular food is good. I've hear the bartender does a great job. I hear the standard dessert is excellent. But I can't speak for those. What I can tell you is that you're crazy if you don't give this a shot. Get 11 more friends together, call up Dante's, and set up your hand-stirred chocolate fondue date with heaven. Don't be that crazy person. Just don't.
by stephy s. on A Roman column, a fake bouquet, tile door bathrooms and Love Boat serenades. Yes ladies and gents, it's Martuni's! I have had this place on my short list to try for awhile now, not because the reviews were all that promising, but because of the stumbling proximity to my humble abode. And so last night after getting told to "Get Fucked" at Zeitgeist by its oh so charming employees, we seized the opportunity to try something new and I'm glad we did. The crowd was definitely a mix of flavors. Everything from drunken gay men to Euro-looking dudes. Then there was us, an array of Rateclub CMs from Boston, Seattle, Houston, Dallas and Miami. I tried their Sauv Blanc and it tasted like peaches and I'm pretty sure (my memory is a tad hazy) that a round of drinks for us all was around $30. Not too bad and definitely a place I would hit up again. With or without the Zeitgeist diss.
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