Depot Restaurant & Lounge
32 North Front Street
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima County
Phone: (509) 469-4400
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Hours: unknown
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by Amanda H. on
The venue was beautiful from what I could tell. I liked that the bouncers were dressed in tuxedos. They played music that was good to dance to most of the night. However, This is where we ended up going to after we saw that Sutra Lounge was kinda smaller and about the same amount of people were trying to get in. We already paid $15 to park right next to the clubs so we didn't have to walk too far. It cost us $20 to get in (which is stupid for females to pay IMO) but we did get there past 11:30pm. We got a picture from a photographer at the door right when we walked in. Drinks are about $8 and up. Once people started dancing, aside from two hired dancers, the floor was crazy and you couldn't hardly move. Once we did have a spot to move there were A LOT of insistent guys constantly dancing behind us. Not the slightest bit attractive or suave. YUCK. We often just danced near the bar to have room and not have to stop and move people along. There are also these big smoke/water/I have no clue things that spray people on the dance floor. I dunno, after being sweaty, tipsy, and dancing our butts off it was less "eww" and more like "AHHH". I would have preferred that we had gotten into the VIP balcony that overlooks the main dance floor early so we had more space to dance. We did finally get up there from some guy who had bracelets. I liked it much better up there, but we didn't really care to hang out with them the rest of the night either. We did make sure to get our $35+ worth of dancing in. After all, it was our girls night out. Would we go again? Only if we get in free and have the VIP.
by Thersa Mimaki on
Dude, what can I say? I have been here a few times, and it is a good club. Music isn't that bad, girls are pretty hot, price of drinks are pretty much on par with other like establishments etc. I do have some great memories of this place. But what happen today did a number on any goodwill that I had towards this place. I mean it basically nuked it and laid waste to it, and the impact of this will last as long as a nuclear winter would. I would seriously recommend against this place. This is not the way to treat your customers. So basically what happen is this. It was Halloween, so bunch of us wanted to have a good time but didn't want to fight the crowd or wait in line. So a friend of mine reserved a table for around twenty people, with a 5 bottle minimum. If you count the anju (bar food) and assorted drinks, it would probably have come out to at least $2,000 and probably more (we were ready to have a good time and drink a lot). So we were all there, all dressed up (I freaking even wore a wig) waiting in the rain to be let in. After waiting for about 40 mins, it was our turn to get in. And we were all like 'finally!' But at that very moment, we just got screwed over. Without any explanation whatsoever, the lady with the 'list' told us that there were no more table left. We explained that we had a reservation but to no avail. We wanted to talk to the guy who assured us we would have a table, but they wouldn't let us in. Hey, look, so you guys overbooked the tables. Fine. It is annoying but it happens. But if that is so, you should not lie to our faces and tell us that there will be a table available when we checked in a couple of hours ago. You should not tell us to come at certain time to make sure a table is available (we got there before the anointed time). You do not have the right to be all high and mighty and say if we don't like it, we can just leave. You should not ruin the plans of a party of about 15 people and not even apologize for it. I like good food. I like having fun and going out. I love trying out new places. So bad experience here and there comes with the territory. But telling us our reservation is confirmed when in fact it wasn't isn't just bad service. This was straight up lying and fraud and blatant attempt to generate more revenue for them (I mean after you waited for an hour and pretty much plan to be there, where else can you go? We knew it was impossible to find a venue that we could all fit into. I am sure Circle was banking on this too). We could have made other plans if they told us that we didn't have a table. We could have even stayed home. I mean seriously? I hope those who were in the same boat as us (there were quite a few) echo my sentiment and move your business to a more customer friendly venue. Circle is not the only mostly Korean club you can hang out at you know.
by Brendan K. on
Scummy taps, smoky room, surly waitresses, no thanks.
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