Desperado's Night Club
10857 USHighway 17 South
Vanceboro, NC 28586
Craven County
Phone: (252) 946-4709
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Kimi Y. on
BEST bachelorette party ever!  Yes, it's super cheesy and girls scream like they've never seen a man's chest before (including myself) but that's what makes it so much fun.  The performances are so ridiculous but I still found myself screaming and laughing my head off.  Yes, Gustavo is HOT!  There was a HOT server there as well who knew he was hot and used it to get tips from girls (including myself) but it was so worth it.  The servers walk around with their shirts off and give like 1 minute "lap dances" but they're fun.  I would say most of the guys there are hot and the only drawback is that they don't get fully nekkid.  I think I have to go into the 'hood to get that sort of action.  :)  I definitely want to go back and find the hot server with the light colored eyes and amazing body!
by Lola Robertson on
Why are the bathrooms located upstairs and the staircase is located in the  dining room area?  You have to weave through tables and people to even make it to the staircase.  You would think that going to the bathroom would be a bit easier...  We were only here for 15 minutes.  We tried to get a drink, I was even standing directly in front of one of the bartenders and she ignored me.  It was mad busy, but not in a good way.  I might give it another chance -- that is, if I was in New York again and someone from there recommended it to me, but I wouldn't seek it out. And what's with the horns on the wall?
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