by Sandy Abedelah on
If you are Asian you will like this place. You will find that its like a 80 percent asian crowd. Its beautiful but the wait to get in is terrible EVEN FOR PROMOTERS i am use to skipping the line and MODELS SKIPPING the LINE but here none of that shit lol, i have had one night 27 models come out in which we had a table with bottles even amongst Grey Goose every single female wanted to ditch Hiro and go to Tenjune so that speaks volumes and that was my last night there. Drinks are watered down if you are a comp which means a free admission (you know if a promoter told you U will be in free) then once you get to the door and they try to give you a reduced ticket stand up for yourself and say " hold on I dont pay for clubs, I party at every club for free" I am sure they will throw you a ticket after that lol and ummmmm the security is terrible and GHETTO But beautiful place
by Mo .. on
This place blows as much as The Great American Music Hall. I hate places with bouncers that kick everyone out literally 5 minutes after the show is over. WTF, at least let me suck down the last of my $10 drink, asshole.