by Downtown M. on Behold, The Box, in its latter years. Gone are the days when overpriced booths are free to celebrities and VIP's. Gone are the days when cool NYC indie hipsters walk in freely, while normal human beings stand waiting for hours, desperate to get in. Gone are the days when owner Simon H. can walk around town like he owns it (really?) Those days are gone. Now, when you go to The Box, it is a frat party with little boys and girls squeezing through from the different tunnels, paying ridiculous amounts of money, trying to relive a time they were heavily excluded from. Sorry folks, The Box is dead. It's cataloged with other things tacky that should have never existed in NYC.
by Dan Denby on Big. Trashy. Club. with a Mess of people at the door. But when you have tickets in your hand, the biggest DJ's in the world spinning, a good sound system, and a couple drinks inside, it makes a really awesome night.