Discoteca Cepillin
1064 East Main Street
Santa Paula, CA 93060
Ventura County
Phone: (805) 525-3558
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Discoteca Cepillin - About Us
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by Kel Y. on
Fetch club really nails it!! If I was a dog, this is where I would want to be. In fact, as a human, I want to be here as well. Check out the nightclub :-) The owner and staff are incredibly personable, helpful and really know their stuff. The front store has some great products, a wide selection of treats, toys, clothing, bedding , pet friendly cleaning products and more! The Fetch club owners and staff have continued to go out of their way to introduce us to all that they have to offer. With our new puppy on board, we will definitely be visiting Fetch club again soon. I highly recommend making a visit here.
by Kevan W. on
For the price, the decor, the wide selection of music, the good service, the great times and ESPECIALLY THE LOCATION.. this place has it ALL! I do not know what more I can say about it! Those were probably the best 2 and a half hours I have enjoyed in a really long time with my friends! It was even better because one of them had never gone norebang in her life, so it was definitely a great experience for her as well as for me! They got it going good!
by Lyla Raelson on
Bootie is a mash-up party that happens at the Cherry Bar the 2nd Saturday of the month. What's a mash-up? A mash up is when you take the vocals from one song and mash it with the music from another to create a new cool song. Many mash-ups feature half a dozen more songs added in. It's fun figuring out the songs used. One of my favorites combines Devo with Destiny's Child. Fun! The scene at Bootie is kinda nerdy high school vibe which is just the way I like it. Don't have to worry if you are cool enough for school here.
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