by Ricardo A. on Ever look for a place that's expensive, but want to avoid the fuss of well healed clientele? Well, have I got the place for you. Saint offers all the amenities of an exclusive, South End bar, yet remains surprisingly easy to access, with little or no line. Even when there is a dress code, there isn't really a dress code. As an elite clubbing establishment, they try to keep the numbers down, and at times it is nearly empty. Especially before 11:30pm. Also: Fun fact. Many of the positive reviews on rateclubs are from current employees, like Miriam L, whose highest accolade was "I didn't get groped". Miriam, concerning a second point you made, I have to disagree with you. The bouncers are not nice. The bouncers are never nice. In any case "you def want to hit up" Saint, if you're into Ironic clubbing, empty rooms, and sweaty dudes.
by Nilsa Crossen on well, after wanting to go here for years i finally went this past saturday. i wasn't really impressed and didn't understand what all the hype was about. i mean, i was absolutely thrilled to be in the place... and i liked the show that i saw. however, they kept us waiting outside in the freezing cold for about half an hour... and i paid 10 bucks for a show that i felt was worth 5. yes, it was good, but it was about 45 minutes shorter than anticipated (a little more if you count the late start time.) not a good first impression.