by Allison G. on If the Boat Basin is your chill outdoor drinking spot, the Frying Pan is the option when you are ready to party. I kicked off my Memorial Day weekend here with a bucket of coronas and have been numerous times over the past few years. The energy is unmatched - it could be NYC's answer to a beachfront tiki bar. It seems everyone here is ready to imbibe with as much alcohol as possible. You're lucky to find a seat and I prefer to grab one on the top deck to soak up the sun while soaking up the booze. Great choice for HOURS of drinking on sunny afternoons with a big group ... just prepared to hunt for your spot and hunker down when you find it!!
by Walker Leftwich on This place blows!!!!! I went here on Saturday to go to the club. I wouldn't even think about going to the restaurant because the menu looks overpriced and resembles yesterdays news paper. Firstly by the time we got there @ 11:30 there was a $20 cover. At this point I was ready to turn my heels around and go somewhere else but I was with a group and we all know how that can be at times. Luckily my friend knew the doorman and he let the ladies in free, thank you doorman!! So after we trek up 3 flights of grimy industrial steel stairwells we land on the dancefloor. The music was horrible, the crowd was super lame, & the go-go dancer was pretty spaztick in a not so sexy way. So I mozy on over to the bar & order a typical grey goose & redbull and park myself down with my boyfriend on one of the lounge areas. Luckily not too many people are buying bottles so, they didn't kick us out. It felt like I was at a cheap trashy rave with out drugs, everyone was just on stupid mode instead. So we bounce and I try to forget about it like it was a bad dream. Back in reality land, its Monday & I do my ritual of seeing how much damage I did over the weekend via online banking. I see that I have been charged $100 on my account and seeing as I only had 2 drinks you can imagine the confusion in my head. I call, I am directed to their accountant and on her machine she explains that there is a $100 holding fee or some such crap, that is refunded into your account after 3-5 days. This could be not so great if funds are not available in your account. They should really give you a warning about all this bologna. BOO KRESS!
by Stephanie C. on My boyfriend took me here for my first visit to New York. This is located in the Meat Packing District I heard. It is a lounge and also a restaurant. I think there's a very exclusive club that is downstairs. The people are extremely nice. The steak was AMAZINg and so was their mac and cheese. you must try their mac and cheese. IT's not too cheesy and kinda baked on top. yum yu.... We had this shrimp rice krispie for appetizer which was also really good. slurp. We sat in the lounge area after for drinks. it was so packed! Looks like people like to go there for the night! The guard at the front and the waiter both suggested places we can go around the area. I loved this place!