Divine Bar
244 E 51st St
New York, NY 10022
New York County
Phone: (212) 319-9463
Fax: (212) 317-0738
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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wine, beer, tapas, fromagerie
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by Jaime M. on
I've eaten at Tao twice. The first time we went on a Wednesday night and still had to wait 45 minutes AFTER our reservation time. For an app I had a bowl of edamame which was warm, salty and bottomless, just the way I like it. The sushi was AWESOME and well worth the wait. I ordered the yellowtail maki with crispy onions & the smoked salmon maki. The yellowtail with crispy onions might just be the best sushi roll I've ever tasted. The drinks..? Well I had the cucumber martini was ICKY and I had one sip before I set it aside for the evening. The second time I dined here I came for my birthday. Even though it was a Saturday, I was still upset that they made me wait an hour past my reservation time (the manager DID send over glasses of complimentary champagne to 'make up' for it). I ordered the same maki rolls this time-- yet they were not as good. The crispy onions on the yellowtail roll were cold (cold fried food=eww) and the salmon didn't taste as fresh as I had remembered. For dessert I ordered the large fortune cookie filled with mousse which was delish-- but between the long wait times & the inconsistency of food it was not enough to make me come back.
by Scott C. on
Beautiful space, great music, awesome staff.  Love that they're bringing in different DJ's and bands to break the typical mold of what a club is in San Francisco.  It's working.
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