Doc's Sports Club
120 Montgomery Drive
Branson, MO 65616
Taney County
Phone: (417) 336-4058
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Hours: unknown
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by Carolyn H. on
1/2 price tapas before 7pm.  What a deal.  All of our tapas were very good.  We also ordered the vegetable paella.  Do NOT order the Vegetable Paella.  The rice was ok but the vegetables were soggy blah.  The only other problem we had was that my friends said they wondered if their drinks had any alcohol in them, on the weak side.  So stay away from the vege paella and order beer or wine, but that's no fun, I had a delicious Mojito!
by Kelleia S. on
"HARLOW GOLD" Sunday Nights is truly Burlesque at it's finest ~~~  5 PROFESSIONAL dancers givin' it all they got !!!  A wonderful time in an excellent bar ..... do yourself a favor.... bring tons of friends and GET DOWN!!!
by Stefanie Dobert on
So. I. don't. do. lines. I. don't. do. cover. The line for Element was rediculous around midnight.  The line for The Vault (Bollywood Disco night) was not rediculous.  I enjoyed my Bollywood evening with my Indian counterparts, but I don't think I know how to dance Indian.  I do know how to dance Black though. Thankfully I found the secret magical staircase that led to this oasis of danceable music and booty shaking dancers. ha.  Both the staircase and myself acted almost as the bridge between the two cultures.  Tis usually the case with me... I found it hilarious that I managed to sneak my way into Element a number of times through this magical staircase that remained unguarded during my journey through India. I felt so empowered that I even rejected multiple drink offers from fellow suitors in Element.  And when I ordered my own tasty libation like the independent woman that I am, I got it "supersized" for free from the bartender.  Amazing.  Not that I really needed any extra servings of vodka. Other highlights: -Good music on both floors. -Beautiful, Unisex bathrooms at the Vault (did not have the luxury of encountering the bathrooms at Element) -Fabulous, friendly and cheery bartenders in both spaces - right next door to Munchies! Lowlights: -smelly armpits from the loads of Bollywood dancers (good thing I brought my LoveSpell body spray with me!) -Really cramped space at both Vault and Element -only ONE bar at the Vault! Moral of the Story: Pay 12 bucks to get into Bollywoodland. Pay 3 bucks for coat check in Bollywoodland. Pay nothing when you sneak up the stairs to Elementland.
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