Domino Lounge Inc
6877 Dorchester Road Suite 2
North Charleston, SC 29418
Charleston County
Phone: (843) 767-1405
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Leslie H. on
The original is still the best! This place got me through a two week business trip five years ago. Who wants to eat room service or out by yourself when you can go to Whole Foods and get fresh AND healthy food made to order? This flagship store is AMAZING. There at least 15 specialty stations from bakery goods to gelato to bistro to seafood to fresh pizza and sandwiches to even Japanese and Mexican foods and an olive bar. And of course, they serve their own bbq as well, replete with a dinner bell/triangle that gets rung when new food is ready. There is nothing you may remotely want to eat that they do not serve. You can either grab food by the lb from the constantly refilled chafing trays or order directly at one of the many stations. When I last visited, there were also several stations dispersed throughout the store that were handing out samples. Many of them were recipes featuring the beloved hatch chilies, but some of them were for smoothies and desserts as well. Stop by when you have the munchies, and I guarantee you will leave feeling stuffed. I think one of the most amazing things about this store is that they have an awesome selection of wine and beer. They even have a walk-in beer fridge where you can buy individual bottles or pick up chilled six-packs, aka "The Beer Alley." The selection they have is awe inspiring! Oftentimes, they will do tastings of the wines on sale, though with an ID check first. I recommend that anyone who is a foodie stop by the spectacle that is Whole Foods on Lamar. Even if you don't plan to buy any food, just stroll up and down the aisles and enjoy the sights and smells of all the yummy food. :o)
by Candida Bellina on
i love their 80s night because the music is always awesome and fun. there is no cover before 9:30 and $1 drinks before 10. at 9:50, we would get at least $5 to $10 worth of drinks, which is a guarantee for a major hangover on friday morning.
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