Donna's Lounge
270 Waiehu Beach Road
Wailuku, HI 96793
Maui County
Phone: (808) 242-7941
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Hours: unknown
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by Yoshiko Tsemetzis on
Sublime. King Cole Bar was one of the few places in the city where I could hear myself have real conversations, and without downing alcohol like a sponge. Every mouthful of free nuts (almond cashews macadamia you name it, definitely made up for the pricey drinks) sent my bubbly dignity to new heights of adulthood. The pomegranate martini kicked ass, otherwise I wouldn't have guessed the farting story in the mural within 3 minutes.
by Pinkie Tilbury on
This is it what! We went to see Camp Lo at Mighty's Love Movement night and although Luchini made my night the place wasn't what I had expected.  The location is good but the crowd was kinda lame and the set up a little uncomfortable.  After waiting hours Camp Lo did only four songs and an extended version of Luchini. The painting on the wall looked somewhat phallic like giant four foot balls hanging down but also had an Ikea quality. The wherehouse feel was cool but the crowd was what I should have expected.  When I was 21 I would have thought this place was the shit but since I am not I'm going to say it's just okay.
by Sam P. on
I had such a sad night of nostalgia at The Park last Sunday.  While I will always love Hiro on Sunday nights (, it is just too hot down there during the summer.  So, in an attempt, perhaps, to relive some of my wilder nights during my first few months in New York, I grabbed a few good friends and we returned to The Park.  Now, as Heather H found out, The Park used to be THE Sunday night destination for the boys.  Oh the nights I have had there.  Even when Hiro was just getting started, The Park was still going strong.  So imagine my surprise to walk into a COMPLETELY EMPTY Park at 11:30pm on a Sunday night....sigh...Johnny McGovern, where art thou!? Wild gay boys aside, The Park is still a beautiful, beautiful space, and apparently a pretty good restaurant. Gabby D is spot on calling it the West Side B-bar.  Although, I think it's a little classier.  Food is good, definitely overpriced, as are drinks.  But I had a lovely evening with my boys sipping vodka gimlets and reminiscing.  Clearly we ended up at Hiro later anyway...
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