by Kristen K. on it was a symphony of weird a real rabbit hole time bomb ticking with synthetic kids indulging the tendency toward intimacy they jumped in holding hands one night and danced united, america
by Casi C. on I came here for Diggnation's 5 year anniversary Live show and it was absolutely amazeballs! Well, minus the whole part where we waited in line in the freezing cold next to a girl who was puking her brains out. The inside is super cool, with two stories, a bar, nice bathrooms, and plenty of room to pack the large crowd into. Since I am an uber lover of this show I was too afraid to relinquish my front row spot to get a drink at the bar, so I was unable to test out the beverages they had. It seemed like mostly bottled beers and small plastic cups of mixed drinks, so I'm sure I didn't miss too much. I hope to come back to this spot for a good band sometime soon.
by Andrea Banach on this little piggy did an extremely thorough job inspecting the floor at suite 181 (- (oo) -) it's actually surprisingly clean upstairs. downstairs, not so much, but the absolute WORST is the stairs themselves. Not the ones leading into the club at the main entrance, but the ones that connect the 2 dance floors. they're carpeted, which is better traction-wise than wood or metal, which get quite slippery when someone spills a drink. However, the chance of tumbling piggies going down the stairs head over louboutins was still quite high! it seems they never actually clean up any of the spilled drinks, so there are ice cubes and straws scattered about the steps, even the occasional forlorn empty cup. plus the carpet gets all sticky . . . ick! of course, by this point you might be wondering, "piggy, WHY did you conduct such a thorough floor inspection?? were you on some sort of floor-regulatory task force? did you accidentally lose an earring? why?" actually, no. my visual inspection of the floor was directly caused by my fear of making eye contact or otherwise acknowledging any of the extremely scary and ghetto-looking patrons, for fear that they might misinterpret said eye contact as an invitation to hit on me. although the music was quite good, i was also afraid to dance. didn't want to draw attention to myself, you know? it was like one of those wilderness survival guides: avoid eye contact, don't make any sudden movements, back away slowly . . . . it's unfortunate because they have indeed changed the promoters, but it seems like about half the crowd was the new promoter's crowd, which was totally respectful and polite and non-frightening. then there was the other half, which made this little piggy want to hide. 2 stars for the hope that eventually the old crowd peters out and finds somewhere new to hang out after a while . . . . but for now, piggy stamp of approval is withheld pending further review ( ' (oo) ' )