by Sean R. on 3.5 Stars Sound system, sound system, sound system! If you want to hear house music with clarity, volume, and drive, Cielo is the spot. A+ on the intimate setting, creating a unique DJ-crowd connection. The nights are varied -- Monday night Deep Space with Francois K is always a win, Thursday is the most B&T night, weekends the music selection is mostly on the deep side of house and generally excellent. Yeah, it's in Meatpacking, and it gets some of that crowd and attitude, but don't let that deter you. Yeah, it's a little expensive, and yeah, you get frisked hard going in, but it's worth it to at least once experience the log cabin that house built.
by Zachery Giesing on Seems like a really cool spot to hang out and everyone always talks about it but I have yet to really try this place out. We got in somewhat early but my GF and I had already been hitting the party favors early and were two sheets in the wind by time we rolled in. We were there maybe 5 minutes if that when she had to make a trip to the ladies room. We later were asked to leave about 10 minutes later which was expected but the staff and bouncers were really nice and calm about the situation as we were not really making a scene. I look forward to going back.