6444 West Glendale Avenue
Glendale, AZ 85301
Maricopa County
Phone: (623) 931-0024
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by Ricarda Imeson on I came here to see The Asteroids Galaxy Tour last weekend. On the whole, this place is cool. I really like the layout with the two bars, as well as the way they have the seating and the stage set up. However, they lose two stars for the following two reasons: 1. It was loud, and not just regular loud. I'm talking about loud as fuck to the point where the sound of the music is actually distorted loud. I generally like loud music and I was a bouncer in a club once upon a time, but holy fuck. My ears were literally ringing the next day, and I wasn't even right next to a speaker or anything like that. Seriously guys- you don't need to crank everything up to 11. 2. Between the cover charge, checking my ID, and various other things I had my ID checked at least three times. I also had a hand stamp and a bracelet. Do they really need to make people go through all this shit to get in? Why do they need to make me wear all this goofy shit to get inside the place? I see myself coming back here, but only if a particular band that I'm into is playing. I wouldn't come here for the hell of it.
by Willa Larcher on I am shocked that I am actually admitting to even going here but it wasn't that bad. FIRST, let me preface everything with, I WENT ON A MONDAY NIGHT, when I would assume that most of the pretentious hipster pricks aren't around. LOCATION AND DECOR: Sucks. I hate the Red River area and this bar didn't make me like it any better honestly. Decor inside was kinda cool, unique, quirky but nothing spectacular. OUTSIDE: The patio outside was actually really cool, I like being able to sit down, sip on a drink and have a smoke. Best part was they were showing one of the worst films of all time "Cabin Fever" on the wall outside. So that made it fun and interesting. DRINKS: My drinks were poured well, the liquor selection isn't bad at all, certainly better then neighbor Red 7. The bartender was actually very cool and really nice, even if he was a little desperate and horny (he practically drooled in our drinks and jumped over the bar to flirt with my friend Samantha). Drink prices are fair and not too bad. They had dollar wells on Monday, not sure if this is a weekly thing or it was a one time only thing. MUSIC: Music was actually pretty cool, good mix of old jams and not too loud. Too bad the guy playing DJ (I don't think he was a DJ though, think he was the barback) was a prick and a pretentious ass. I tried to compliment him on a song, but he was rude and even tried to correct me on the name of the song, he was wrong though and an idiot. CROWD: It was Monday and my four friends and I were pretty much it. There were a few "damn I'm so cool" people that came in, but they keep to themselves (because they are way cooler than normal humans). The "DJ/Barback" had some friends with him but they were also way too cool to associate with "normal folk". Overall, it is a pretentious hipster hell, with cheap ass drinks and very little pricks on a Monday. The bar overall, is unique, it's nothing amazing, the music was alright, the bartender was very nice, the "DJ/Barback" was a dick, the outdoor patio is cool, the crowd is the definition of pretentious hipster and I admittedly got drunk enough to throw up all over their bathroom floor. Beauty Bar ain't so beautiful now!! BTW, I would avoid this place like a plague of genital herpes Thursday through Saturday. I can only IMAGINE the assholes that must flock to this place on the weekends. AVOID. Just go on Monday, it's not so bad.
by Cheyne M. on Oil Can Harry's.... Where can I start... As a regular here, and one of the few female token fag hags who spend 90% of their time here... I can HONESTLY say this place is my second home. I can remember my first time here, thinking, "Man this place is old and skanky.." That being said, shortly afterwards, Oil Can Harry's or OCH was bought out by some lovely gentleman who decided to bring things back to the this century. Taking out the main hanging bar which made things seem a bit small, adding in flat screen tvs, offering OCH shirts to guests, offering condoms at the exit door (hey they are encouraging you to be SAFE)...... revamping the back patio... Its great. The new colors, the new vibe make the place younger than ever. People forget the bar is more than 17 years young, with Steve being one of the first employees there and only one still working there. They do a lot with the gay and lesbian community... Hosting events for Splash weekend, raising money for a local AIDS Hospice, and even having a team on the gay and lesbian softball league. These guys are more than a bar. They offer Bloody Mary's in the mornings opening at 9AM, they have burgers for happy hour on Sundays.... Kareoke nights, 80's nights on Tuesdays.... Strippers, underwear contests and SOOOO much more. When I'm there, I get my drinks from Dane, Tommy (a warm cup of tea ladies and gents), Cody the Assistant Manager, Kyle and Brandon two of the best barbacks ever, Bobby on the main bar and the most correctly made drinks ever from Steve. Everyone here is enjoyable, the drinks are cheap and the staff is friendly. I prefer attending on the weekdays as there is room to mingle and you have more time to get to know the staff.... Weekends are packed... but its packed everywhere, so thats the choice you make. I would recommend OCH to gay, straight, male, female whatever. It will always be my second home, and if I could work there.... I would.
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