Double Door Inn
218 E Independence Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28204
Mecklenburg County
Phone: (704) 376-1446
Fax: (704) 372-3057
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Teena T. on
Touch!!!!!!!! I had to see what the hype was about! I finally did on a Friday night! I gave it 3 stars because the DJ was not the best! 1) One dancefloor (the bummer). 2) Expensive bar 3) Nice furniture to sit when tired of dancing. 4) Young urban crowd (mostly young boys trying to take advantage of drunk girls) 5) Can be a sausage fest like other reviewers mentioned and the men are really aggressive in there (ladies make sure to have a wingman) 6) Good for one night stands 7) $20 dollar fee to get in Boys and Girls No need to be too dressy. I would go back to touch if there are theme parties.
by Lanny Villasana on
One of the best views in the city is atop the second floor of this HereToServe Restaurant. I remember when this used to be a restaurant called Wildwood. It wasn't really a hot spot, but I'd been here for a couple of happy hours and thought it had quite a bit of potential. The build out began and it became clear to me that whoever had bought Wildwood didn't think it was big enough. The building was extended out towards the curb and a second level added. When it finally opened I could barely tell where the original building ended and the new structure began. Shout's food is sinfully satisfying. I like the fusion of flavors on the menu. They start you off with pampadam and Vindaloo and don't be bashful because you will want to ask for more. The pizzas range from ordinary to unique in flavor and toppings. The sushi rolls, like at sister restaurants, Twist and Strip, are a huge hit. The dessert all chocolate lovers must try includes smores and graham crackers. It may sound like summer camp, but no backpacking counselor could cook up anything this darn good.
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