Doubles Lounge
2420 Highway 46 South
Dickson, TN 37055
Dickson County
Phone: (615) 446-9637
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Perla Swatloski on
Great location!!!  Perfect spot to see the sunset in the summertime in NYC.  I haven't had the food, but the sangria is pretty good and can be bought by the pitcher (so even better).  Best time to go here is early evening during the week, it gets really crowded on Friday and Saturday nights.
by Julia Rathe on
This was my first time partying in Atlanta and I LOVED this place. There was a free event hosted by Bacardi = free drinks. It wasn't like a cheap open bar with watered down drinks for only 30 minutes. This open bar lasted throughout the whole party and there were 8 bars throughout the venue so you didn't have to get into a long ass line and get four drinks at once acting hella ghetto. The music in the Monte Carlo room wasn't on point though. It was a mix of super new songs that no one had heard on the radio yet and super old songs that people were sick of hearing. Hey Mr. DJ, put a record on that I can actually dance to!
by Stefani L. on
Nightlife experience: Your typical Asian American hotspot for nightlife and entertainment- Get trashed, meet a few people, forget their names. Rinse and repeat at another generic asian joint with "hip" decor. As a San Franciscan, I believe I expected too much for New York. But lemme tell you, clubbing is the same everywhere in the world (be it Japan, SF, LA, Vegas, Europe) if you're talking about some mediocre to typically overhyped clubs. I can't really say the same about bars- they can be pretty diverse. Drinks? Fair. Since I have not tried the food there, i have no input. I'm not disappointed though- one can only expect so much from places like these. However, i'm going to file this as a last resort while im in NY.
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