1528 South Washington Street
Wichita, KS 67211
Sedgwick County
Phone: (316) 262-7599
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by ethan k. on
The ability of this place to draw hardcore douchebags from the greater metropolitan Los Angeles area is breathtaking.  Imagine a parade of "hard" Ed-Hardy-wearin' fools with their barely-black-clad, vapid, yeast-smellin' arm candy, and you're halfway there. It's like God cut a little slice off of the nastiest bits of Hollywood club-going, threw in some Vegas-level illiterati drunkenness and stupidity, and put it in a nice downtown space.  Kudos. Lots of fights.  Cops are called every night -- multiple times.  There's no crowd control, so Spring between 6th and 7th, especially on Saturday nights, becomes an inchoate mass of stupid.  Don't even try to walk through -- you'll either get mugged or get an airborne VD. The people are eyesores, the club is a blight on the neighborhood, and there are hundreds -- or thousands -- of downtown LA residents who would love a direct napalm hit on this piece of shit.  Yesterday. Yay Exchange LA!
by Lelia Palma on
Where else can you go party indoors and outdoors with a pool, patio and four different dance quarters? Only The Compound. This is the perfect club for late spring, summer and early fall because it's a combination of lounges and dance floors. The Compound is almost like seven clubs in one! The Compound is one of Atlanta's best nightlife hot spots. The seven lunge and dance areas include Tenshi (the outdoor pool area),MB1 (lounge), Rail (outdoors), Bamboo Room (VIP), Ride (lounge), Ride Patio and The Loft (indoors). All of these areas serve their partying purpose; lounges are perfect for drinking, relaxation and socializing and the nightclubs are great to really get your party on! The best time to experience The Compound is on the weekends. Friday nights are hosted by V-103 and Saturday is hosted by 99X. To get your party on, go online to http://www.compoundatl....
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