Down Towner
614 Oak Street
Lathrop, MO 64465
Clinton County
Phone: (816) 528-4660
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Berry Hoeschen on
I took a few friends here on Saturday, purely on rateclubs's recommendation. It was not at all crowded when we arrived around 11pm, so not having to stand around waiting for drinks was nice. The music was great, a nice mix of tunes we did and didn't know. We felt a little conspicuous, but the vibe was very chill. The lounge area upstairs is nice- when the dance floor got too sweaty we could relax a bit. The place got much more crowded as the night progressed, but still not near as bad as some other clubs I might mention. The $10 cover was reasonable, the bouncers were decently friendly, the drinks were strong! I recommend it.
by Cleo Arroyano on
My friends, family and I didn't didn't have to wait that long, but we did came early. The place had good music, but it took them a while to open up the second floor for us to go up. I thought the price was a little bit pricey and I thought it was strange that we got basically patted down before entering. It was the first time I've been searched just to enter the club. Other than that, everything was good and fun. We all had fun being there and it was a unique experience.
by Athena E. on
Me no like this place. For a classy establishment such as Le Club, I'm surprised they'd try to pull the wool over my eyes and make me think that a food server can be an adequate bartender. No wonder it took 30 minutes for a round to drinks to get to us. Minus 1 star for running out of key ingredients necessary to make your drink specials. What bar doesn't have things like cherries and bitters? Minus another star for lying to us. You liiiiiiiied to me and I don't like being lied to. So when the owner tells my friend (who reserved the pool room one month in advance for his B-Day party) and says that they can serve us appetizers, I expect to be able to order some food. A girl's gotta eat . Shit hits the fan when I don't get food. Turns out that the chef, the owner and some investors were out to some schmancy dinner so no food would be served that night. Thanks for the prior notice! Another star gone for the dress code. Our group was overly conscious about the dress code. Turns out you don't need bother with that b/c there were a few hippies w/questionable hygiene sitting at the bar. Minus another star for lack of valet. Deep down I have a feel things place is going to go downhill fast. It'll be overrun with gangsta wannabes soon.
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