Downsouth Tavern
210 West 1st Street
Abilene, KS 67410
Dickinson County
Phone: (785) 263-0359
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Teena T. on
CIELO!!!!! Expensive $20-25 cover (can be $15 if on a guestlist)........Drinks are like double the normal prices, pregame before hand.........Tight Door.......Great sound system, Loud Music........Good DJ (guarantee good times! Fridays (Trance) & Saturday (House) Nights).......small dancefloor........attractive and friendly crowd (sometimes creepy, old and not so attractive).........Nice Europeans sometimes.......always guarantee fun!........Love it!......Want to go again soon!!!
by Asley Tuch on
My bf and I walked past this place during lunch hours, we noticed how cool and inviting it looked. I thought to myself perhaps I should  try this place out for lunch...So... How am I going to rateclubs and rate a place without having set foot into it? Here's how, food handling practices, seen, with my own eyes on the street. If you haven't noticed they have a parking lot outback, which is seperated by the dirty dumpster alleyway. Well apparently there's this lil prep kitchen, in a trailer thing back there. So all the prep work gets done there. Which means they have to transfer it past that dirty alley and a high traffic street. Walking up Larrabee Street, upside Eleven, the kitchen runner boy, dashes past us. In hand, he has a grip of raw uncooked chicken breast. He had no gloves on, the chicken was not wrapped in plastic or  kept in plastic tupperware. Just his bare raw hands, out through the alley way, past us on the sidewalk street, into the side door and into the kitchen. There's just too many unsafe variables for food to travel through before it gets fed to someone. Im sorry, I just can't give this place a try.
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