802 Houston Boulevard
South Houston, TX 77587
Harris County
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by Major S. on "Ruby Syke", "Ruby Skank" ..these are just a few of the hipster/elitist slurs I've seen unjustly & unfairly thrown at this amazing & otherworldly venue. My story is as follows: The year was 2005. I was in town promoting at the colleges for some scammer guy who sold term papers for money or some crazy shit like that. I met a few people on one of the campuses & they invited me to come out with them that night. I accepted. Take one guess where? Now ya see, I had a very large amount of a very illicit & hard to comeby psychadelic I had snuck in through LAX a few weeks prior, so this being the first opportunity to go out and get "sik wid it" on the social scene in the bay area, I jumped at the chance. Now mind you this wasn't coke or pot or opiates or anything that just induces blind pleasure & euphoria - this was a substance that is highly dependant on it's environment to determine which way & how you're gonna feel on it. Ruby Skye took it home for me. Having grown up in NJ(Non-Guido - important), a hop-skip from NYC, I was no stranger to big-time clubs & serious venues, so I came in quite skeptical. Needless to say it was utterly epic, right from the door.. Now I'm sure it was a local DJ spinning, & I don't remember who, but regardless, I AM A TRANCE FAN/FIEND FIRST & FOREMOST, so I had an incredible time dancing in what to my zorked out mind at the time, truly WAS another planet with ruby-colored skies & beautiful people everywhere. I must have made out with at least 3 different women, all of whom were quite cute(not bragging & probably never would've had the guts to do this if I wasn't tripping my shiny brass balls off), & the DJ just tore it da fux down all night & into the morning. My feet were all blistered up the next day from dancing because my shoes were a size too small(just had to have them because they were too dope & that was the last size they had) but the time I had there into the wee hours was worth all the pain & bruising that were to come in the weeks to follow. Funny thing, the 2 guys & girl I rolled up with, I lost them about 10 mins after we made it through the doors, & we never crossed paths again. But then, I am a leader & not a follower, so I usually do just fine on my own("I do my dirt all by my lonely" -Treach from Naughty By Nature..for all you old skoolers..haha) I did admittedly, spend every last penny on liquor & left broke at the end of the night(-170$ or so), but when you're tripping you can drink 80 proof like it's water, so to be fair, I suspect it was a combination of price & drug. There were a lot of shady types there that I remember that night, but what club in the world doesn't have that? Oh that's right, some little, local, lame, cliquey, hipster safehouse that caters to all the frail coddled yuppies whose mommy & daddy's pay for their housing & college. That's a fail you losers. The Ruby Skye crowd I remember was much grittier than that. It's for tranceheads - l0ve trance & you will never go wrong here. I don't remember seeing all these sophisto-types all of you are complaining about - the people here were very real & not so well-to-do folks. I do remember the bathrooms were filthy dirty & being the germaphobe I am that really left a sour taste in my stomach. I got invited into the VIP by a much older woman, but some jerkass bouncer kicked me out & wouldn't listen to any kind of logic or reason.That was my only unpleasant experience with the staff that night. Drinks came fast & had a proper pour to them. I don't really remember the last part of the night, but the next morning I woke up in a pile of leaves under a tree on some grass right across the street from my hotel by union square with dried throw-up all over me & a feeling of post-trip brainmush that only the enthneogenically inclined would dare be able to fathom.=D From all I remember, it was a ragin' good time & in my book, what living life unabated & free is truly all about. I feel sorry for such as those who just can't step out of themselves for a moment to just be IN the moment & enjoy what you've got. If everyone wasn't being so critical & UPTIGHT, many of these people could've had a LOT more fun. Trust. RS knows what it stands for - it's not going to cater to every little bitch-ass whim some of you have. I respect it for that. Anyway, that's my long-ass review, & now that I just moved to SF, I have my all-night ticket for Markus Shulz NYE 2010!! Looking for people to go with(pregame at my crib), & I'll also open my home up to you to crash at afterwards provided you're A) UNDER 35(I'm 27), 2) are at least semi-beautiful looking & are going to dress properly slutty/dapper for NYE, and D) know how to let go & fucking P.A.R.T.Y. without worrying about what anyone else thinks. Plus, me living a 15 min walk from the club eliminates: long drive home + the parking nightmare issue + parking fees ;D inquire within ASAP(send me a PM on rateclub)
by Brittany A. on this place is great! its a great set up and my friends and i really enjoyed ourselves. great drinks. vip was good, only thing was it got really crowded and there was little space to dance after a while. we all danced the night away though! reccommend it!