by Michelle K. on I am so happy that I got a chance to check this place out for lunch. My friend Amanda was craving their food so I joined her and it was a huge success. Why do you ask?!? This place has sweet potato fries! I was seriously on a search for those and have found them here. The service was amazing. I am a water drinking freak and our waiter must've filled my glass at least 6 times, maybe more, but he was on the ball. The moment I was running low, he had his pitcher on hand and was ready for my refill. Love the Guacamole en Molcajete and how they make it FRESH on the spot and I had the Mexican Club Torta. Never thought the grilled chicken and ham combo would be tasty but it definitley hit the spot. The sandwiches here are huge. Will have to return for the pomegranate margaritas and more sweet potato fries! Yum yum.
by Suk Terrien on I have been going to Shampoo for years, and I've been two times in the last few months. Once was for Baby Loves Disco on a Sunday afternoon. (Yes, I'm a parent). It was awesome - the place was immaculate - hard to believe, I know. They had the bars open for the adults and the music was a moderate level for the kids. There are kid-friendly snacks and toys for them to play with - hula hoops, scarves, etc. We went w/another family and had a blast - if you have kids under 7 this is a great place to spend Sunday afternoon. The other time I went was on a Friday night - the music was awesome - except the salsa room downstairs kept pulling my husband in, and I can't get into salsa, I prefer industrial. Anyway, Friday is gay night and the crowds are great. I agree with the other reviewers though - the bathrooms are filthy. It's amazing to see how clean they were when we went with our children and how cruddy they got with adults there. Odd.