1756 Carolina Beach Road
Wilmington, NC 28401
New Hanover County
Phone: (910) 343-8342
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Jimmy Blanda on
What a miserable establishment.  Got dragged along by friends (under false pretenses) and really couldn't have left sooner.  Not only were non-alcoholic drinks insultingly expensive ($4 for a diet coke? Seriously?) but the music was painfully loud and the clientele was obnoxious.  Maybe I just shouldn't leave the house, but if this is what passes for fun count me out.
by Tal K. on
It's Friday night. You just won $1000 on a scracth-off lottery ticket. Scrap your party bus plans, kid. Tonight you're going to treat yourself to the upscale Holy Cow. Rent yourself a limo and put on your finest baseball cap, tonight you're not just some bridge and tunnel dude getting drunk in the city.. no son, tonight you're biiiiig pimpin at tha 181.
by Synthia Twohey on
Some of the finest partying on south beach! Multiple venues over the course of the week, lots of room and interesting stepped levels. It is decorated in a kind of renaissance style in one room, modern disco in another and modern red velvet main room. SOme nights are house and techno, some are hip hop - make sure you check. You can call ahead and reserve a table with a 'bottle' of booze for several hundred dollars and get treated like royalty. It is also possible to call ahead and put yourself on the guest list for some nights. Definitely one of the main hot spots
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