Duchesne Bar & Grill
1001 South Duchesne Drive
Saint Charles, MO 63301
Saint Charles County
Phone: (636) 947-0920
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Duchesne Bar & Grill - About Us
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by Dannie Wiant on
Me & my cute Asian girls were turned away at the door.  SHAME. 5 fake blondes were turned away at the door.  WEIRD. 8 guys were not turned away.  WHAT THE EFF. Aside from a huge blow to my ego (eff you, bouncers)...the drinks were cheap, the crowd was fun, the DJ got me dancing and there was comfy, sufficient elbow-space.
by Gene C. on
I came here on a club night. The place is huge. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a trance/house music fan so it didn't really appeal to me. The bar is what you would expect, over-priced watered down drinks--but hey you knew that already.
by Tyrell Leonhart on
A pleasant experience in the growing restaurant row along Congress. Take for granted that most of the tex-mex is rather standard. Nonetheless, Copa did a decent job offering good versions of it all. There is an extensive lunch menu, affordable dishes and some pleasant touches. The tortillas are fresher than normal, the chips and salsa nice and the fajitas very tasty. I will recommend it for those in the area. I'm not offering four-stars, because I won't recommend you drive downtown just for this. I went back again and I like it even better (and I've upgraded to 4 stars). The service is the best I've seen in a long time -- frequent refills of drinks, salsa and chips, even with a hungry and thirsty bunch of thugs at the table. Several items on the lunch menu are $6 or below. There's no reason to eat at any other tex-mex place downtown, as of right now.
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