by Cel i. on Service was super slow. We almost left. But the food came out lightening fast. So it sort of made up for it. Good mixed drinks although we would have ordered more if we could find the waiter. Beautiful dishes with lively vibrant colors. I almost fell out my chair the aroma of my pasta with truffles and artichokes was so amazing. I don' t think the atmosphere is all that great anymore. Went when it first opened and now it definitely has lost some of its luster. The carpet was so filthy. Very weird. But my mouth is watering at the thought of how good the food was. The menu has definitely shrunk it seems but wow. I guess I will get my food to go next time. Or at least try! ;-)
by Kymberly Field on Cloud 9 is the event name and it was a Visionshock event - shameful really. We went with a comfortable expectation that it would be if nothing else a pretty good VS night. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Guess again. It was so lame. First off, I felt like I was walking into a highschool dance. Everyone is standing idle around the perimeter of the dance floor - not knowing what to do - all wall flowers . Moreover- no one is at the bar ordering drinks. So we had no problems getting our drinks like jump & jack flash. Here, my local friend Po suggested we try a shot - indigenous to SF - called Fernand - in the same family as Jagemeister I'm told with a more licorice taste. Pretty good actually. But back to what's at hand - which is a wack club with wack music with a wack crowd. To make things worse - one of the bouncers swears up and down he knows me - to which I say - look, I'm from LA. and he goes - me too. I just moved up to SF 7 months ago, blah blah blah. I'm like - trust me, I'm really good with faces - I KNOW I don't know you. So finally he backs off and goes - Ok ok ok but I DO know I have seen u somewhere. H'yeah - nice try bucko. I have truly been spoiled by the nice interior design of LA clubs, but honestly I wouldn't have been so snobby about the club's - what looked like- unfinished interior if the music was tolerable. But the djs were playing hits from a few years ago. The only good thing is we got out of our taxi and literally headed straight into the club - absolutely no wait time. But then again, we had hookups and knew the bouncer. The upstairs to this club has a more finished look than the downstairs main room which has the biggest dance floor. Upstairs has another bar and a few tables, a smoking patio room, and some pool tables and then another 2 rooms with dance floors. Anyways, I would have much rather we gone to a local lounge or bar instead. We were so disguntled by this place that we tried to salvage the rest of the night and so we checked out Gravity in North Beach.