Dugo's On Burnside
413 West Burnside Street
Portland, OR 97209
Multnomah County
Phone: (503) 241-1022
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Renaldo Lonie on
Friday Party. Putting aside the fact that the door guy is constantly hassling everyone on thier way in and giving them a bad attitude (I guess when you sit in your mother's basement all day everyday, there's a lot to let out at week's end), crowd is pretty good inside, large space, slow bartenders.
by Jamel Blain on
Went to Green Door last week for a Fashion Week event. It was.....ok. The decoration compared to other venues in Hollywood is not the best. The place itself is a good size... 12 dollars for a glass of Merlot? Oh my god! I can buy a great imported Rioja at Bevmo for 10 bucks! This really pissed me off...... The only good thing about the place that would make me "consider" coming back was the music. They play a little bit of everything which is better than hearing Britney Spears and Rhianna all night long. :)
by Inna K. on
I've had better! No problems at the door, but neither should there be considering the venue. The music and the drinks are good. A bunch of NFL football players came in with the requisitve army of skanks and everyone was asked to move to the other side so they can have all these tables to themselves. The staff was nice about it... but it's not cool and I didn't appreciate being relocated. It gets ridiculously hot and crowded by midnight.
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