Duke's Steak House
22046 M 60
Mendon, MI 49072
Saint Joseph County
Phone: (269) 496-3575
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by monika b. on
It's not easy being cheesy but Europa is doing a great job!!! This whole place is smelly, dark, dirty, cheap surround system, racist bouncers, tricky bartenders and aggressive manager. If they promised a show or a concert you are lucky if you hear a half hour of it,  they canceled or interrupted at least 4 shows I was on. I tried to give this place a chance but after being a witness of a girl being thrown down on a floor by a manger and being carried out by bouncers I said enough! STAY AWAY!!!!!!
by Brianne Lamas on
We all pass judgment, we all joke and laugh. I just think it is hilarious, that I hear the same phrase pass each woman's lips. "I could do that". Come in early and grab a seat at the bar. They are the best seats in the house, after all. Not only will you have front row seats to the dancers, but you also have first hand access to inexpensive drinks and a sassy bartender. I have been here on two separate occasions and I am not going to lie. It is raw, dirty and gritty. Where else would you put up with a naked woman dangling her junk over your drink, while she reaches for waving dollars? There are two things that come to mind from my first visit. The first, being the fact that the toilet in the restroom is privatized by a curtain. I had been drinking and confused by the curtain and found myself yanking open the curtain, only to expose some poor unsuspecting woman relieving herself. I am only thankful it was not Angela Y., after she dropped her Blackberry in the toilet. I doubt I would have lived to tell the tale! The second thing that comes to mind was the overwhelming feeling of guilt over the giggles and laughter that exuded from me, as I sat at the bar with friends and waved dollar bills at the dancers. I had fun at the time, but driving home I just felt really awful for laughing at the women that danced. The second time I came to The Clermont, I found that not only had a door been added to the toilet, but I also had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Portia in the loo. She was laughing and running her hands through her mound of cash, as we chatted. It was a surreal sight, seeing a woman (reportedly) in her 60's, dressed in a Little Bo Peep costume, false lashes and kinky, platinum hair. She was a delight to speak with and I realized that my first impression had been incorrect. These women were not something to be pitied, but were fun-loving women making a good buck. I may have been laughing it up at the bar, but I am pretty sure Ms. Portia was laughing all the way to the bank.
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