Dukum Inn - Office
111 South Elson Street
Kirksville, MO 63501
Adair County
Phone: (660) 665-7722
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Sally Pake on
Awesome outside bar located on Manhattan's West Side on the Hudson River.  The Frying Pan is an old (formerly sunken) lighthouse boat.  It's now a drunk person's playground, where you're free to roam about the ship and explore all the uniqueness it has to offer. Pier 66 has adequately priced drinks ($25 pitchers of beer) and lots of seating. It's a great place to relax and hang out with friends where you can actually hear them talk.
by Ebony B. on
This food is simply disgusting. Fries that are wrinkled because of being old, and sogged in grease. Burgers that look microwaved and pruny compared to the bun. Tasteless grease filled nastiness. They don't even have malt beverages lik ethe old school diners . Disgustinggggggggggggggg WTF Why is it still even open? How? Who the heck keeps this place in business. Pure nastiness. I did it as a tourist to ATL. NEVER AGAIN.
by Tammi Spene on
If someday I find myself in my own version of "Shaun of the Dead", i.e. zombies, earthquake or apocalypse, this place will be my "The Winchester". It doesn't have any weapons that I've seen and it would be a little too close to the Tenderloin in case of zombies (because I figure that's where the zombie outbreak will originate from) but I think it would be easy to defend and if I have to go down, at least I know I'll go down in the company of good people surrounded by the memories of some fantastic times. Hot, friendly bartenders, reasonable prices and across the street from Mel's and Tommy's when you're hungry... which drinking often makes me. Also, can go to karaoke, drink at last call there and still make it here for their last call... Love it.
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